Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

Do you think the majority of the people in your country suck?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) August 10th, 2015

This Q is based upon some ideas I thought about in one of my Other Questions

Can you say whether in general, you think your particular society is crappy (with mostly bad people doing bad things on purpose) or more nuetral (with people doing things without any particularly bad intentions, even though the outcomes might not always be favorable) or fairly good (with most people doing their best to do the “right” thing, whatever that is, with only a few people actively doing bad things on purpose, for whatever reason)?

Whichever view you hold, can you explain/describe why you think you hold this particular view?

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20 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I know that, because I know that Humans in general suck.

johnpowell's avatar

I probably dealt with 20 people today. Not a single bad interaction. Everyone was kind and helpful even when they didn’t need to be. People are generally good and kind.

It is just the shitheels that make it on the news that make the world seem horrible.

I used to be a big cable TV news junkie and I stopped. Life got a whole hell of a lot better. Now I don’t walk around in a constant state of fear.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m neutral. I’ve seen many kinds of people, both good and bad. It may not be that much compare to you, but that’s enough for me to learn that if I’m too trusting I’ll risk getting messed up by bad people and if I’m too cynical I’ll lose the chance to receive kindness. I just ignore bad people and stick to the ones who treat me well, and enjoy the day.

LostInParadise's avatar

Everyone thinks that they are doing the right thing. I don’t know of anyone who has located an actual satanist bent upon doing evil. Hitler believed that he was acting to improve humanity. I may look upon people running corporations as greedy and self-centered, but they in turn will talk about their obligations to stockholders. Life is complicated. Yes we certainly need to punish transgressors, but talking in terms of good and evil may make you feel good, but in the end is not going to accomplish mucn.

zenvelo's avatar

Not the majority. Most people are kind, caring, mindful, smiling, patient, helpful.

But there is a loud, self-obsessed, intellectually-dense, spiritually-empty minority that has a pretend news network that makes a lot of noise.

Pachy's avatar

The majority of people with whom I interact in a given week are kind, friendly, courteous, and helpful. Especially when I behave likewise.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I place most people in the same boat as myself, they’re decent people trying to get by. The thing that’s apparent is that we’re all compelled to play in a game not designed for such things as decency or compassion. The game is to find advantage for yourself, even and often at the expense of “somebody else”. The game itself is perverse, because those who excel at it are usually spared the inconvenience of personal involvement or realization of the effects on the losers. In other words, the system is engineered such that there MUST be winners and losers, and the score is determined by your ever shifting net worth. The resulting pressure for self aggrandizement relentlessly relegates such traits as empathy and compassion for one’s fellows to the pile of obstacles to be avoided in the struggle to “get ahead”. So the game is dog eat dog and Everyman for himself, benignly disguised by such terms as “the market”. No, the vast majority of us are not born sociopaths. We’re only immersed in a system where such defects confer on one a decided and undeniable advantage. The results are predictable and just what you would expect.

rojo's avatar

Most people are ok, just trying to get by and make a living but that doesn’t sell news or get attention so we are led to believe that the minority of rude, arrogant, abusive people are the norm by all the media attention given them. Many times it takes a disaster or major upheaval to showcase the best in mankind. Unfortunately it is times such as this that also make it easier for those so inclined to sow discord and mayhem.

I think this is true even for those who live in countries hostile to mine. Mostly they just want to be left alone to get on with their life but, just like here, these are not the kind of people that go into politics and make the rules.

Bill1939's avatar

I believe that most people are not intentionally bad. Some are so desperate that survival requires them to work the system, make illegal choices or activities that some consider antisocial. A few regard that self-interest is a moral option; greed is good. However, the majority merely want to have gainful employment, fall in love, raise a family and have a relatively comfortable life.

majorrich's avatar

My father had a talent for boiling big topics down to a few words that sometimes took a bit of reflection. On this subject he was crystal clear, ‘People are no damned good’. His little quips come back to me in the decade since his death. Thank you for this question.

flutherother's avatar

Considered as individuals they don’t suck. Considered en masse they do suck.

jca's avatar

I think the majority of people in my country are good people.

I don’t see the world through rose colored glasses, nor do I see it as terrible. I think I am realistic and have seen all kinds of people and situations. I have, through my past jobs, seen things that most people will never see (child neglect, child abuse, people who choose boyfriends over their children, people who choose drugs over their families or over their homes, for example).

I do think the majority of people would help a stranger, help an animal, go out of their way for a cause they deem worthy.

I have had a jelly accuse me recently of seeing the world through rose colored glasses:
I quote: “for you’re information I haven’t seen much that does indicate that the world is a great place as you so point out.But would love it if you pointed out something wonderful.
Everywhere I look I see people with their noses buried in their phones, barely looking up, I see drivers that think the rules of the road don’t apply to them.” That was discussed here:

kritiper's avatar

No. Like everything else, it’s the few bad apples that screw up the whole.

rojo's avatar

I wish we could be like Mexico and send all our bad apple criminal rapist types north but the Canadian border is locked down so tight we can’t.

Zaku's avatar

I don’t think that people are fundamentally bad, anywhere. How people behave is about culture, ideas, beliefs, and circumstances rather than people actually just being inherently awful.

So for example in the USA, I think a lot of things suck, such as our obsession with consumption and wealth and superficial nonsense, our complacency and complicity in corporations taking over our news media and government, and many other gripes and complaints I have, but those things are rarely epitomized by specific people. I like most people and think they mostly mean well, even if many of them live in different worlds of ideas.

bluish's avatar

Most of them don’t give a shit about anything, “live” with their faces stuck on their iphones all the time, don’t care about social issues, would do anything for money etc. But there are still decent people, I happen to know a few of them. So I guess there’s still hope.. (?)

cookieman's avatar


Some of them blow.

wsxwh111's avatar

I think it depends on who we are right now.
People who thinks all other people around him/ her may be having a little trouble fitting in the environment around him. I used to be that person.
Now i start to think that it’s not that if people are good or bad that matters, it’s if you can fit in.

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