Fluff time, you are about to be assassinated, which way would you choose to go?
If you were about to be assassinated, would you rather be blown up with a bomb, be ambushed from behind and your neck snapped, ambushed from behind and take two behind the ear with a silencer equip pistol, or take a headshot from a long-range sniper?
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15 Answers
Whatever way is fastest is how I’d want it to happen. Preferably unexpectedly so I didn’t have time to panic.
^ I think all of those would be unexpected, and if done right, will not give you a chance to panic as you would never see any of them coming.
Yeah, I guess that’s the entire point… Lol! Ugh, I should go to bed.
Bullet to the head that travels faster than the speed of sound.
I’m not important enough to be assassinated. If I die by the hands of another is will just be called plain old homicide.
A straight shot to the head from an experienced sniper.
We’ve seen what happens when these things are left to amateurs whose headshots fail to kill. James Brady for one and Gabby Giffords for another. Obviously they’re likely to be very glad that they lived despite the damage but that wouldn’t be my personal choice.
Just get it over swiftly and efficiently for me.
Any way at all that would take the assassin with me.
@cazzie I’m not important enough to be assassinated.
It could be male Chauvinist, or demented guys believing they are part of the He Man Women Haters Club terminating feminist with extreme prejudice.
@Buttonstc James Brady for one and Gabby Giffords for another.
Brady was too stupid to duck, Gabby’s shooter was too stupid not to use a large pistol, od she has a very thick skull (literally), he was a terrible shot or a combination of the three. If he truly wanted to assassinate her, he should have waited until she passed then <pop, pop> two right in the medulla oblongata.
@josie Any way at all that would take the assassin with me
Well, then it would not be any of these ways. Even with another way you would have to know you were going to be assassinated and by whom, if you did not, by the time you knew, it would be too late.
@ragingloli Phaser set to vaporise.
Then I guess you will be very unhappy as you will not be able to be vaporized by a Phasor because they have not been invented yet, and you will not live long enough to see it if they ever get made; you will just be taken out the old fashion way.
“Brady was too stupid to duck””?
Where does that criticism come from?
That’s a new level of nastiness even for you. He was Reagan’s Press Secretary not a trained Ranger or Seal.
You should have the grace to be ashamed of yourself for stooping this low.
@Buttonstc Where does that criticism come from?
I retract that, I was not saying he was stupid as in not smart, he was the 1st shot so he had no chance to react and certainly not to try and play hero and jump in front of the bullet to save Reagan, jumping in front of a bullet just because anyone is an entertainer, politician, etc. would be stupid. Anyone who got shot after that (unless it was mere seconds after Brady) were too stupid to duck, the moment you hear gun fire the prudent thing is to duck, unless you can return fire.
I guess you have a really low opinion of Tim McCarthy and any other Secret Service agents then.
McCarthy purposely turned into the line of fire and took a gut shot for Reagan. That was the job for which he was trained. He spread his arms wide and made himself as large a shield to Reagan as possible, enabling another agent to push Reagan into the safety of the car.
It’s not something most of us would sign on for, so these guys have my respect, not contempt or scorn for their willingness to sacrifice.
Of course, protecting the President of the US is a worthy endeavor. If it were bigmouth Kanye West, Justin Bieber or their ilk; ehhhh, not so much :) Their bodyguards must be raking in a fortune to make it worth their while. I wouldn’t do it for any amount :)
PS I’m glad you retracted the comment about Brady. He certainly didn’t deserve what happened to him and it altered his life forever. I saw an interview with him and his wife many years later and he was still struggling to speak coherently.
That’s why, for me, I just want it over quickly.
@cazzie I’m not important enough to be assassinated.
It could be male Chauvinist, or demented guys believing they are part of the He Man Women Haters Club terminating feminist with extreme prejudice.
I don’t have extreme feminist views. hmmm….
(are any of @Hypocrisy_Central comments being found incredibly offensive by anyone else or am I being overly sensitive?... being the over reactive female that I am… *sarcasm)
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