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rojo's avatar

What were the names of the seven chief devils of medieval demonology?

Asked by rojo (24187points) August 11th, 2015

as asked and did each have a specific role?

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21 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

GQ, I don’t have much more than a clue on the answer, although I think I dated a few of them.

Bill1939's avatar

For possible answers to your question check out Wikipedia.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Bill1939 Oh come on, what’s the fun in that. Let’s figure it out for ourselves.

Bill1939's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe, enjoy your imagination.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I think one was the horned devil with a tail, I think one was Medusa, and one was another serpent.

rojo's avatar

@Bill1939 I checked Wiki and found a list of theological demons which lists about 250 of them but didn’t find out what I was wondering.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

So far I came up with Banshee, Beelzubub, Incubus, Lucifer, and Satan. Any of those work?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Medieval demons? Donald, Carly, Jeb, Rick, Ben, Marco, Scott.

ucme's avatar

Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Bashful, Dopey & Doc?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Dale, Darrell, Doyle, Dalton, Walton, Willie and Cletus.

rojo's avatar

somehow I think you guys are just funnin’ with me

Zaku's avatar

What context besides medieval in general?

Yellowdog's avatar

The two best known lists includeDante’s Inferno and Milton’s Paradise Lost. I will get to those in a minute. But first, to clear something up:

“So far I came up with Banshee, Beelzubub, Incubus, Lucifer, and Satan. Any of those work?”

It should be noted that Banshee and Incubus are certain TYPES of daemons. Lucifer and Satan are both names for the Devil— Beelzubub is either the Son of Satan or Satan himself (name IS in the Bible). Satan is definitely a name for the Devil and Lucifer is commonly regarded as one and the same, though many Christians dispute this and attribute the name to the king of Babelon (Nimrod—a mighty warrior king).

In Dante’s Inferno we have the following names—
Alichino (derived from Arlecchino, the harlequin)
Barbariccia (“Curly Beard”)
Cagnazzo (“Nasty Dog”)
Calcabrina (possibly “Grace Stomper”)
Ciriatto (“Wild Hog”)
Draghignazzo (“Big Nasty Dragon”)
Farfarello (possibly “Goblin”)
Graffiacane (“Dog Scratcher”)
Libicocco (possibly “Libyan Hothead”)
Malacoda, the leader (“Evil Tail”)
Rubicante (possibly “Red-faced Terror” and a reference to Cante de’ Gabrielli, who as Podestà
of Florence condemned Dante to exile)
Scarmiglione (possibly “Trouble Maker”)

From Milton’s Paradise Lost, we have the Following and better known list:

Lucifer – One of God’s most beautiful archangels, but also its most proud, He was the first to want for more than what God gave Him. Though His evil scheme through the poem – to corrupt humankind – is successful, He deceives His counsel into believing He has defeated God entirelyby the end of the poem, at great cost to Himself. He can possess any body He pleases, and is a silver-tongued creature, capable of using a philosopher’s wit, a politician’s tongue, and the words of a lecher to convince Eve to take her first bite from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

Beelzebub – Satan’s Second-in-Command. Like Lucifer, he embodies perverted reason for use toward wicked ends. He suggests to Lucifer that they should war against God after their escape from the lake of fire.

Belial – A principle devil in Tartarus. He embodies sloth and inactivity. He argues against
warring with God after their escape from the lake of fire, but only due to his great laziness.
Nonetheless, he is eloquent, and manages to convince many of Lucifer’s soldiers not to fight.

Mammon – The embodiment of wealth, he always walks hunched over, forever seeking wealth in the ground. He argues against warring with God after their escape from the lake of fire, for he sees no profit to be gained from such a transaction. He would rather mine the abundant minerals in Tartarus.

Mulciber – The demonic architect of Pandemonium. He is described as being fiercely industrious compared to his kin.

Moloch – Rash, irrational, and bloodthirsty, he argues that Lucifer should go to war with God
after their escape from the lake of fire. He is not possessed of the same capacity for eloquence as his peers, so he is not a convincing proponent of this decision.

Sin – Lucifer’s daughter. She was born, like Athena and Zeus before them, from Lucifer’s
forehead when He was still in Heaven. She assumes the form of a woman above the waist, and a serpent below the waist. Her waist is wreathed in demonic hell-hounds who occasionally turn inward to feast upon her womb and entrails. She guards the gates of Tartarus.

Death – Lucifer’s grandson by his daughter Sin. Death rapes his mother, begetting the
hell-hounds at her waist that ensure her eternal torment.

Sin, Death and Lucifer form an Unholy Trinity in opposition to the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Serpent – The beast in Paradise who, after careful consideration of His options, Lucifer
possesses to seduce Eve into eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. The serpent, after Eve and Adam’s fall from grace, is punished for his participation in the corruption of mankind by being forbidden to stand.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t know, but I found this which is pretty interesting.

Also Satan is stronger during the month of March, which is my birth month, w00t!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline That explains a lot. :)

Berserker's avatar

That list is wrong though, because I don’t see ragingloli anywhere in it.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Maybe he/she is out with other devils, imps, and demons slaying saints in the monastery

Winter_Pariah's avatar

Funny little thing, in some Jewish Lore, 1) Beezlebub led a revolt and overthrew Lucifer, and 2) Satan is a term or a title for any powerful devil

Buttonstc's avatar

And the most of unfortunate part of all of this is that current Christian theology regarding Heaven, Hell and the afterlife owes more to the likes of Dante and Milton than it does to the Bible and anything Jesus ever taught.

That’s not to say that they weren’t great writers and very imaginative. But they were the product of their times and that entire Medieval period produced more warped negativity regarding the nature of a loving God than anything else (thanks in no small part to the overwhelming influence of the Roman military, one of the most efficiently cruel and punitive in history; they invented crucifixion, after all, lest we forget.)

Not exactly the best representatives of the gospel (good news) IMHO.

Just my two cents worth.

rojo's avatar

Are they, or were they related to the seven deadly sins?

I found these guys from around 1410ad:
Lucifer: pride
Belzebub: envy (envious)
Sathanus: wrath (wraþþe)
Abaddon: sloth (slowȝ)
Mammon: greed – avarice (avarouse) & covetousness (covetise)
Belphegor: gluttony (glotouns)
Asmodeus: lust (leccherouse)

And these guys from around 1589 ad:
Lucifer: pride
Mammon: greed
Asmodeus: lust
Leviathan: envy
Beelzebub: gluttony
Satan: wrath
Belphegor: sloth

Zaku's avatar

In Bedazzled (1967, of course), the Devil incarnates and Henry Spiggott, and is assisted by personifications of the 7 deadly sins. Raquel Welch does a convincing job as Lust…

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