@JLeslie We are more scientifically advanced than 5,000 years ago. We now know the brain is still developing at a fast rate well into our early 20’s and the last part to fully develop is our ability to understand consequences
That jumps right back into the boat of ideology. With all science knows they still do not know what 100% brain capacity is. The scuttlebutt that we only use 10% is not accurate, you can’t be sure how much of our brains we use until you find someone who actually has used 100% and it can be substantiated that they used up to their capacity and could use no more. Merely being more technical has no effect on how nature develops humans less small ways like more allergies, slight differences in height due to chemicals laced all through or foods, etc.
In modern society today people have many many more choices for career paths, where to live, the list goes on and on.
Again, what choices a person has or doesn’t, is notwithstanding, because a person is in stuck growing up in some 3rd world or indigenous society without running water and iPod at the ready doesn’t mean they will grow or mature at a lesser rate than those who have them. Choices, opportunity, etc. is all ideology, how people choose to view them.
A 16 year old girl 5,000 years ago, or 2,000 for your book, was pretty much destined to be a mother without significant career choice and both men and women needed very little education to see their way in the world. Life is different now, so you have to balance the tenets of your religion with the reality of society today.
All women are predestined to be a mother; that is why they are born with the equipment to bear children. But just because they have them not all women take the calling. The world was less technical and specialized, and one could get by more off physical work and attributes, that still had nothing to do with their biological maturity, or how they aged in general.
A girl marrying at age 14, when in a religion that has no allowance for divorce, is basically enslaving her.
Another ideology, that she will be enslaved stuck in a marriage if she chose badly or things in the union changed. That has nothing to do with nature or biology. The man or guy is stuck in the same situation. He is stuck supporting a wife he doesn’t love and certainly isn’t being intimate with. The ideal of whom or who isn’t enslaved disadvantaged etc. is all perception, rooted in ideology.
We have juvenile courts because we understand children make mistakes, are influenced easily, and don’t understand consequences.
One of the biggest jokes of society because the bar gets slid up down, left or right depending on how adults want to apply it. They make the rules but when playing by the rules someone seems to literally get away with murder then the adults want to tweak the rules. Imagine a football game where pass interference was negotiable depending on the popularity of the offending player or the distain for the receiver being impeded.
@Dutchess_III Why did evolution do this to bodies who really aren’t ready for the stress of childbirth?
Maybe the problem is not with biology but with people, that is almost like asking why did nature give people 300lb bodies.
Nature doesn’t care. As long as one female body produces enough to replace her and at least one other person, preferably replace 2 other people, nature doesn’t care if the female dies.
It doesn’t care if the woman has twins or triplets while another for some reason is sterile, never to have kids. It doesn’t care if the baby dies due to accident, or disease, it literally just does what it does and let happenstance come as it will. To cry it is unfair and such, comes back to ideology; perception of man.
But, that is another story, back to this question.