Can I get some more feedback about my boss' strange behavior?
I know it may be a bit redundant to be talking about my job and my boss so often. But I’m realy interested in some feedback about this part of my life. I feel like this is one of the few places I can express myself and talk about what’s going on. So basically, this question is just a follow up to my previous question about my boss’ behavior. So today was really weird.
I was at work a few minutes in when I needed to go to the back to get something. And ran into my boss eating. I didnt know he was working today because didnt see his vehicle. I said “hello”. He said “hello“in the same tone. He sounded off guard. Then he awkwardly stopped eating a walked speedily out of sight. The a few minutes later we can into a similar area. Another coworker was talking to him.
There was an object in between us, so he could’nt see I was nearby working. Then the coworker pointed out that had food in his hair. He walked off from what he was doing and saw me as the coworker asked me to confirm that he had good in his hair. He looked embarrased. I didnt say anything. He ran off to the restroom. Then as I am working. He was moving about aimlessly in and out of my view. Until he disappeared. He just left for the rest of the shift. He even left his food right where he was eating. The was no indication that he left because of an emergency. It was so weird.
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29 Answers
What do you think it means? You must have some idea and your ideas are as likely to be correct as anything anyone here can say. So what do you think his behaviour suggests?
May I ask how old you are? What country you live in? It might provide relevant details so that people can better answer the question.
He was either embarrassed that you caught him eating on the job, or he has some sort of inappropriate sexual tension toward you (based upon what you said in your other question) and that is what several people told you before. I think you said he was married right? I’m guessing you are a teen and he is older than 18 right? There are the two things that make this an inappropriate situation, if he does indeed have sexual feelings, or crushy feelings towards you. I’m pretty sure you know whether he does or not. Why not ask some of the other co-workers why they think he is acting strangely?
I’m curious why you are kind of asking us the same question again, did you not think the answers we gave on the other question were helpful? If you think something else is going on with this guy, then you need to give us more information.
He sounds really immature. Sometimes immature people do strange things that only make sense to themselves. I’d pretend not to notice unless he actually stepped over the line and did something inappropriate. And make sure that your boundaries are well enforced.
It’s also possible he’s having a personal situation at home (maybe he has a sick kid, or wife or pet) and he’s very distracted/absent-minded. That could explain a lot of the unusual behavior. It’s impossible to know without more information.
He could also just be a weird person. You could spend lots of time and energy trying to figure him out, and never be correct. I wouldn’t bother. I realize he’s your boss and it is nice to try to have a boss that is predictable but he might not be that person.
Could it be that he suddenly realized, some time back, that you are constantly watching, monitoring, analyzing and memorizing his every single move, no matter how insignificant, and therefore he’s very uncomfortable around you now? That would explain his behavior.
Could it be you are the one with the obsession, and not him?
Maybe he thinks you are attracted to him and he is uncomfortable. Are you?
Maybe concentrate more on your job and less on what your boss is doing.
@DrasticDreamer @Dutchess_III @chyna @JustPlainBarb Lol. Thanks for the replies. I am in my early thirties. Living i America. He is around 40, if that much. And you can bd assured that I am not stalking him or obsessing over him. I’m quite sure I am busy at my job. I am certainly not overanalyzing his behavior or monitoring him. I only notice this behavior when he or the situation pops up throughout he day at work. I’m not some immature teen with a crush. I never even try togo after a guy nor day dream about some crush. I am a realist with a busy and rational lifestyle. If I ever mention anything strange, its because the is a basis for it. I asked for feeback. Not a a and b answer. Anyway, thank you.
When you post a question Heather, you have to be prepared for all sorts of answers .. or don’t post it. I wonder how your job performance is.
@Heather13 Thanks for your feedback. It will help us understand your situation better.
It does sound as if he is acting strange. Let us know if he does any other strange things.
@Heather13 I didn’t ask how old you were to provide a flippant, thoughtless answer. I asked because the details genuinely help people provide you with better answers. Stop being so defensive for no reason.
It sounds to me like he has a crush on you and he’s socially awkward. With the details you’ve provided, that’s pretty much what it boils down to in my mind.
@DrasticDreamer I wasn’t offended that you asked my age. Thanks again for your thoughts.
@JustPlainBarb I am prepared for answer. Thats a given. I am also prepared yo clarify any misunderstandings that is concluded about me in those answers. I am not angry. Just being clear. My peformance is excellent and noted. All the workers praise my hard work. And I love to do a great job. It makes me feel fullfilled. Thanks again.
You are neurotic; plain and simple. I have read your other questions and a constant is that you are frequently worried about people having secret feelings, secret motives.
You present yourself like a twelve year old.
You ask strangers about the private thoughts of people we don’t know, and conveniently, these people have no opportunity to present their side of things.
Without a doubt you are obsessing.
@Here2_4 As a former Psychology student, I can knowingly say that you used the word “neurotic in an incorrect way. And by the context of you respond, you are doing the very thing of which you judged. You claim I am asking about private thoughts of people you dont know, yet you make a conclusion of me whom you also don’t know and have not met. You are also unable to draw a correct conclusion of “twelve year olds“since anyone of any age present themselves in a unique fashion based on their own perception of reality. So it seems you can conclude that i am neurotic and obsessive. But yet unable to make an educated guess about a written descriptive real life situation that you said you read. Anyway, I have recently recieved confirmation about what is going on. So needless to say, you are simply wrong about me. Or jealous. Which can make someone overly critical and personally offended about what anyone has to say.
@Heather13 I don’t think anyone is jealous. I think they’re just trying to figure out what is going on. Some of your descriptions are not exactly clear, and some of your speculative descriptions have been addressed quite concisely on the other thread where you basically asked the same question.
You say you have received confirmation about what is going on. What is going on?
@Heather13, I don’t think anyone is jealous either. However, I would also like to know what you’ve discovered is going on. You also never answered my opening question about what you thought/think is going on. Especially with a background in psychology you must have some idea. How long did you study psychology for?
@Heather13 you have not ever studied psychology. It is dramatically apparent from your behavior within your questions and responses. I imagine you have attempted to discover on your own what ails you. That does not qualify as study. I can most certainly draw a conclusion about twelve year olds. Each human is an individual, but follow basic growth patterns rather closely.
The fact that we have not met in person does not change the fact that you have presented yourself here. Therefore, we have only your written presentation of yourself, and what you seem to suspect about some people you know. None of them have been here to refute or clarify anything, so we have nothing to go on. The say so of a neurotic does not qualify as accurate representation of other parties.
You continue asking these questions. Do you want truth, or are you hoping to find a cluster of people who will feed your delusions? Are you hoping several of us will say, “Oh dear, you poor child. You are in the center of many conspiracies and you seem t have no way out! Dear dear!”
Not from me. I will tell you what I see. I see a neurotic who is the center of her own universe in rather unusual and perverse ways.
Just do your job, live your life, and quit assuming people are having ongoing secret assaults or accusations toward you.
You are victimizing yourself. If you want to deal with that honestly, let me know. I will deal compassionately with you, but you must get honest.
@Here2_4 There are so many things I could say in response to you. Judging from the position you’ve taken, its seems this post is very important to you. You however, are not important to me. Goodbye.
@Heather13: Can we please have an update on what you figured out?
@Kardamom I am not here for a fight or quarrel. Its a lowerform of communication. I may or may not be clear in my post. Regardless, a few earlier responses showed that something was understood. I never proclaimed dissasfaction with the responses. A couple days ago, I found out what’s been going on. Its a delicate and emotional matter that I cannot discuss. I am not concerning myself with whether or not anyone believes. But lets just say my intuitions are true. His own mouth gave it a way. And he hasnt been at work since. Anyway, for what its worth, thanks for the responses.
@Earthbound_Misfit long enough to know that even Psychology students and experts in the field are normal people who can ask normal psychological questions about there lives. There are Medical Practitoners who smoke. How long have they been practicing medicine?
What’s with all of the hostility directed at @Heather13?
Could we try not to run off another newbie?
I haven’t been hostile, only blunt and honest. If she wants any compassion from me, she has to quit with the lies and get real.
She is being hostile, unwilling to be honest, angry retorts to the people who would like her to be honest, shutting out those who won’t stroke her and feed her delusions.
If she wants to stay, she should quit trying to stir up trouble, and be realistic.
Only a self-regarding individual would presume someone is requesting compassion from them, without an indication of such request. I didnt remember offering a prayer in the post. People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have narcissitic tendencies. Such as deciding that someone else is lying without evidence of such. And making the assumption that one is delusional and is the source of trouble. I was under the impression “this” was my post. I looked over the responses and have found trouble started with the one who is attacking my character without logic. I never knew that Fluther was a community that tolerated such uncooth behavior, without the options for OPs to block individuals or remove unwanted advances. Nevetheless, I remain firm in my position to ask as I wish; what I wish. And I charge no other man, woman, or child to freedom of inquiry. Buzz off buzzers. Welcome Individuals, with Individualism.
Well, if you don’t want what I have to say, what do you want?
Here you go, salve.
The teen boy wants you, your boss wants you, your body needs a check up to fix your pains. All women are jealous of you, and your mother wants to serve you better because you are a goddess.
Or, you imagine people are having crushes, when really they want to escape your rants. Your neurosis is accompanied by hypochondria; common.
You want to validate yourself, but someone saw through your skewed perceptions and told you so.
Maybe I am the only one who looked through all of your questions. Well, anyway, the ones under this account.
You have issues you should face, *if you want to enjoy life more”. It matters little to me whether you desire a change or not. Celebrate the ectopic mind! Live as you have. Don’t ask for advice if all you want is to lead a mantra.
If you do want advice, mine is to listen to more people who will be honest with you, and be more honest with yourself. Surround yourself with people you can trust. Understand that you are not as important to some people, as you believe they are, to you.
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