Meta Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Have you ever felt you needed to take a break from Fluther for a while?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) August 20th, 2015

Just wondering lately I feel less and less interested in this site, maybe I just need a break for a while, have any of you felt this way?

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24 Answers

Coloma's avatar

There are times I am not as active but I have never, consciously, made a choice to take a break. Just let things ebb and flow naturally without contrivance.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I’m tired of being accused of posting nothing but doom and gloom questions, guess what I don’t need answers to why there are so many colours in a freakin rainbow, or why kittens are so cute.

I want to know why people have such a hard time at driving properly, or why they are addicted to texting and their stupid cell phones.
I want to know why conservatives think that giving the wealthy all the breaks will benefit everyone?
I am not really a people person, I was hoping I could get a better understanding here, and it has helped a bit but not much, so maybe some time away will help.

thorninmud's avatar

A few years back, my life got crazy busy and something had to go, so I stopped fluthering cold turkey. About a year and a half later, when life was a little more manageable, I came back.

The activity level here now is much lower, which has upsides and downsides for me. Sure, it’s more exciting when things are popping, but this slower pace also frees me from that feeling that I need to constantly check in or I’ll miss the action. I find that it’s easier to keep Fluther from interfering with other responsibilities. If it were as lively as it used to be, I’d probably have to set it aside again (and I almost certainly wouldn’t be able to mod).

Coloma's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Maybe you need to broaden your horizons a bit and take the focus off of all the ultra serious topics you mention and find a balance between serious and silly.
Come on over to my Scrabble game question and play a little!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks @Coloma I might just do that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh yes. I took a break for a month. Do it!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 @Coloma Has a good point. Sometimes it’s good to come on here and just let your mind rest and indulge in some fun stuff. I drive like you do, totally focused but I only have 6½ miles to work. I do have to travel to the surrounding cities at times, and that isn’t fun. But driving a rig has to be one of the most challenging jobs there are to do. Just have some fun on here.

janbb's avatar

I have felt that but unfortunately, or fortunately, my breaks seem to only last about four hours.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Don’t. Please stay and fight it out.

ibstubro's avatar

Yeah, stay @SQUEEKY2.
Part of the problem is the dwindling membership. You don’t want to be part of the problem, do you? :-)
Have some fun. Where’s @Coloma‘s scrabble question?

Strauss's avatar


OpryLeigh's avatar

No.. if the site isn’t all that interesting or my daily life is hectic, I may participate less but I never feel the need to take an official break.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks guys , I am not officially turning the lights out just be here a tad less, after all who needs all my doom and gloom questions?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not yet, @SQUEEKY2! I just sent you a question you will love!

Mimishu1995's avatar

I don’t only judge nothing of your questions, but also answer objectively, like all other questions. I don’t see you as an overly negative person, just someone who cares maybe a bit too much.

ibstubro's avatar

@Mimishu1995. You’re getting lazy. Clean that response up, sister!.*

Fluther is failing you, too.

I don’t pass judgement on your questions, @SQUEEKY2, but answer objectively, as I do for everyone.

You might care too much about Fluther’s elite/lurve/opinions.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I hope you don’t go, but completely encourage you to take a break if you feel you need to. I used to be a very active member back in the day, but I took a break for various reasons – partially to do with my personal life, but I decided to come back. I liked Fluther then and I like it now, even though it’s much slower. Sometimes I think that sucks, but sometimes I think it’s better, because it was easy to get lost in the action a long time ago.

Anyway, I like your questions and your viewpoints when it comes to a lot of things. Ultimately, my suggestion is to ask whatever the hell you want to – regardless of what kind of criticism you might get for it – because that’s the entire point of the site. Focus on those who give you genuine answers and filter out the rest. Just like life in any other area. :)

keobooks's avatar

I take breaks all the time. I’m not sure why. Either there are no questions that inspire me to answer or I’m just not in an answering mood. I don’t leave when I get mad, and I never announce that I’m leaving. I just go on a little vacation and come back later.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I took a very long break. I needed to disengage for a while. Even now, occasionally my work is really busy and I feel I should be here less and more focused on what’s happening in my real life. If you need a break, take one @SQUEEKY2. If you’re feeling irritated with the site, or people here, a break can work wonders. Some people never feel the need for a break. We’re all individuals. I too hope if you do take a bit of a breather that you come back.

Buttonstc's avatar

The only time I took an extended break was in the aftermath of dividing the Qs into General and Social.

Many Qs got posted in the wrong section and even tho there was a lively discussion generated with many many answers, some of the mods were in hyper vigilance.

Consequently, there would be entire questions and ALL their responses deleted (instead of just removing offending responses.)

I just started feeling like “what’s the use of participating in thought provoking Qs at all?”

Many of the most interesting Qs sparked the most contentious responses because people felt so strongly about them. And then the entire question got deleted. (These were not my Qs BTW) so I wasn’t taking it personally. But it was just so frustrating to see Qs deleted in their totality.

I felt this was really over the top and said so. But I was so unmotivated to post in any Qs with debate in them because the entire thing could disappear on a whim. I wasn’t the only one who felt this way but it just irked me no end.

So I just gradually stopped responding and didn’t come back for quite a while. But eventually things settled down into a more balanced mod response so I found it interesting to participate once more.

But nowadays things are pretty well balanced overall and i’m enjoying Fluther as usual.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve taken short breaks a few times. A few days.

There was one time I deleted my account, but I came back.

Mariah's avatar

Hi! Just returning from a long break myself. I wouldn’t say I did it because I felt I needed to or something, though. Just that in May I moved into a new apartment in a new city and in June I started a new job and I’ve just been really busy!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Congratulations on all of that, @Mariah! Welcome back!

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