What do you think of the white truck on the right which appears to be set to pass the dump truck?
This video. This is the kind of blindness I experience every time I get behind the wheel. HOW can the white truck not see that coming? How could he just not react?
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18 Answers
The pickup driver is just another clueless person on the road ,but I know exactly why the big trucks box was way up in the air as he drove down the highway, he forgot to disengage the trucks PTO after he dumped his load and it was still running and it started to lift the box as he drove down the road,and failed to keep checking his mirrors he failed to notice the box was in the air until way to late.
Oh crap, how can you get more clueless than that pickup driver? You see an obvious hazard and you keep speeding along. Good god people, think.
I think the pick-up truck was the person honking, and was trying to overtake the dump truck before they reached the sign. It was probably impossible to judge the distances when they started…they were sure going like a bat outta hell. The biggest fault I find is being too nearly directly behind the dump truck.
Most drivers are just going through the motions not really thinking about what is going on around them,and that is what bugs me the most with these drivers,they think they can use the cell and still drive,guess what you can’t.
They probably had their nose buried in their phone for the last half hour and have not looked up. Wake up people! You have to look at the road if you’re going to drive on it! (can you smell the sarcasm?) :)
The medical description is Rectocranial inversion. Or perhaps texting.
If the person driving the car where the video was filmed had reacted as quickly as the white truck (which was obviously much farther behind the dump truck), the accident might have been avoided. They might have warned the dump truck.
I’ve followed people for miles, waiting to jump out at a red light an tell them they had a dangerously low tire, or some similar hazard.
I’d go even farther and suggest that the white truck may have been from the same site the dump truck had left. It could easily been personal, as in the driver of the white truck knew the dump truck driver. I don’t know why the white truck wasn’t flashing its lights instead of honking the horn.
@SQUEEKY2 explained the dump truck driver’s error, and the driver of the white truck is doing all they can to avert the accident. The biggest fault I see is with the driver of the car that sat passively and watched.
@ibstubro I disagree. If the driver of the dump truck didn’t notice a difference in the drag, or see it in his mirrors, he doesn’t need to be on the road. You see something like that and you evaluate the distance and your time frame, and then you react. No way was he going to make a difference. I think he was just a speeding jerk. Squeeky can correct me.
Huh, @Adirondackwannabe?
You’re addressing my comment about fault, specifically, I guess?
Video facts:
Unsafe vehicle quickly approaching a hazard.
Vehicle filming the approaching hazard.
Vehicle trying to avert the hazard by stopping/notifying the driver of the hazardous vehicle.
We have a pro answering, I’ll defer to him.
@Adirondackwannabe The truck driver is very much to blame, the box although wouldn’t have raised super fast it would have been creeping up for some distance,(he should have noticed it) as for drag you wouldn’t notice .
As for @ibstubro maybe thinking the pickup driver was trying to warn the trucker,which is a possibility but I doubt it.
What’s all the honking about, then? In the video, as the white truck passes?
I think it just demonstrates the need to back off at times and figure out what’s going on.
@ibstubro There’s no way in hell that truck gets up to a window on the other truck before they hit. So there’s no reason for his actions. Plus luck for the brakes.
that should have been look
@ibstubro It was the driver filming the video who was honking. The pitch of the honk remains consistent through out the video. If it had been the driver of the white truck honking, you would have noticed the Doppler effect, of the sound of the horn getting higher as it approached the filming truck from behind, then getting lower as it passed. Like a train.
The fact that the driver of the white truck didn’t back the fuck off when it became obvious that the dump truck was going to hit the sign,s and that there would be no way he could stop before doing so tells me the white truck just didn’t even notice.
@Adirondackwannabe I’ll be damned. The driver of the white truck never hit his brakes until after the dump truck hit the sign.
The driver filming was closer than I would have been, but he deliberately hung back. The white truck just barreled on in, oblivious. Another second and he would have been along side the dump truck when it hit.
@ibstubro You want to say that the white truck was trying to warn the guy….I’ve warned people before, but I’d never put my life, of the life of my passengers in danger to do it, which is what the white truck did.
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