Meta Question

Anyone feel that Fluther needs a new look? Or are you cool with it?
To me it seems a little outdated, but more importantly, I find there are some issues with “user-friendly-ness.”
For example,
1. Why is it so hard to get to the list of questions I’ve asked? Shouldn’t there just be a simple button at the top of every screen that says, “My Questions?”
2. The notifications menu for New Activity and Messages on the right of the HP(Homepage) is strange. Most sites just have a dropdown menu for Messages, Replies, Account, etc. at the top, and place a little number or badge on it when you have an unviewed notification. If I don’t have notifications, it’s just taking up space.
3. On the HP there are 4 categories: General, Social, Just For You, Meta. Then when you’re selected on General (for example), it says “General Section” Again right under it as a header. It’s pretty redundant and adds more clutter.
I guess my overall issue is with clutter. There’s a lot going on the homepage and it makes is difficult for me to focus, navigate, and use the site efficiently. The design of the buttons and everything is outdated too, but I can deal with that I guess lol.
I feel that if I recommend the site to a friend, I have to sit with them and walk them through how to use it, which means chances are they’ll never use it again. Websites should show the user what to through it’s design.
“ASK A QUESTION!” should be front and center as soon as you open the site! Not a tiny little old-school link hidden under the notifications menu off to the right.
Anyway, I only bring it up because the concept of this site is ingenious, and part of me wishes they’d take a look at some more current websites out there. I don’t think I’ve noticed any changes or improvements to the site in years and years.
Does anyone else care, or just me? lol
On another not, what’s with the “Edit” question page? Why do I click Edit Questions, and then have to click Edit Question again? And if you drag the Details text box bigger to edit, it overlaps the text underneath and you can’t see what you’re doing…