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Berserker's avatar

Are there any fantasy books/movies/video games that center around dwarves?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) August 22nd, 2015

Dwarves are always secondary in fantasy oriented entertainment. Even Tolkien never managed to finish the dwarven language. That kind of gets to me, because dwarves are probably my favorite subject in fantasy. But they’re always reduced to secondary issues, and often become comedic value. I can’t think of a single movie, book or video game that has dwarves as stars, besides The Hobbit.
I love Tolkien, but since he pretty much seems to have paved the basics for fantasy, everything else also always has great dwarven halls/homes destroyed centuries ago, so you never get to see dwarves in their splendor.

There must exist a book, movie or video game that centers around dwarves? Or any other form of entertainment. Minus Dungeons&Dragons or other table top rpg. I’m not very interested in that.

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18 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Here is a similar question posted on the literary site, Goodreads. Some of the recommendations are:

The Dwarves by Markus Heitz.

The Dwarven Nations trilogy by Dan Parkinson featuring The Covenant of the Forge, Hammer and Axe, and The Swordsheath Scroll.

The Dwarf Home trilogy by Douglas Niles consisting of The Secret of Pax Tharkas, Heir of Kayolin, and Fate of Thorbardin.

talljasperman's avatar

The Christal Shard trilogy . By R.A Salvatore.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Time Bandits a British movie from 1981.

gorillapaws's avatar

Snow White?

Berserker's avatar

Thanks for the answers all. The Dwarves seems particularly interesting. I went to the bookstore to see if any of these were there, and unfortunately, none of the suggestions here were there. And the only Salvatore stuff is the dark elf stuff. Damn you, Drizt.
Keeping my eye open though. And that Time Bandits movie too.

@gorillapaws Lol, no. :p

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I went to Oz-Stravaganza in Chittenango this Summer. That was fun.

elbanditoroso's avatar

That appeals to a very small audience; very little appeal to the mainstream. Any books dealing with dwarves would have a very short shelf life.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

@elbanditoroso quite the low blow there.

Several Artemis Fowl novels have a dwarf as a main character alongside the titular character with many chapters being from HER point of view (oh yeah, female dwarf here, top that rarity in fantasy).

My brother recently started The Brotherhood of Dwarves series and says it is good reading although I can’t confirm that as I haven’t had the time or interest in picking it up.

Berserker's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yeah, that was terrible. Lol. Also dwarves live for like 1000 years.

@Winter_Pariah Nice find. Female dwarf, now that kicks ass. :)

Berserker's avatar

Freaks and Willow are fucking awesome. I forget though, isn’t Willow a hobbit? Or hafling? (essentially the same thing, I believe)

jca's avatar

Have any of you guys seen the 1932 movie Freaks? Carnival side show performers, very odd appearances, midgets, what we used to call pinheads (not sure what the correct term is now). Comical in a freakish way.

talljasperman's avatar

The little couple. Real life little people .

Berserker's avatar

@jca Just said in my answer above. Freaks rocks. :p

jca's avatar

@Symbeline: Oh, gotcha. I thought it was one name – “Freaks and Willow.” Haha.

Berserker's avatar

LOL. If that is a movie, I wanna see it.

Berserker's avatar

So tis’ been a while, but I bought the first bok of The Dwarves today. They’re all there at the book store. Got the first one to see if I’ll like it.
There’s also a video game based on these books.

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