General Question

ragingloli's avatar

If you strapped a dog to a rocket, forced its eyes open, and locked its head in position so that it always looked at the ground, at what altitude would it stop knowing that it is looking at earth?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) August 22nd, 2015

And how would you test that, assuming that you had ample access to rockets and stray/stolen/donated dogs?

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14 Answers

Coloma's avatar

It would never know because it doesn’t know what “earth” is. It would only know it is experiencing something horribly frightening.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

:€ At the altitude dog torturers start reaching melting point.

Brian1946's avatar

The only thing the propelled pooch would realize is, “Such a rapidly expanding area of places, for me to POOP ON! And I don’t even have to squat to hit the spot. :-P”

stanleybmanly's avatar

Does a dog with its feet planted firmly on the ground recognize the earth? What “concepts” would a dog have to be capable of grasping before “earth” would have meaning?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Did you know that compared to us, dogs have poor eyesight?

2davidc8's avatar

@stanleybmanly How poor? A distant neighbor (about ¾ of a block away) has 2 Dobermans that go crazy every time I go into my own backyard. They seem to spot me just fine.

Coloma's avatar

@2davidc8 Maybe you have a scent that drives Dobermans wild. lol

Here2_4's avatar

The dog would not have to leave the planet at all. You have already driven it to madness with your rocket and bindings. If it did have any comprehension of Earth previously, that left when you conditioned his madness.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

This question has just proved the imagination of some people, I love it…
You would have to have a brain monitor or something…
It probably would’ve died out of fright (the poor thing), before anything else

Magical_Muggle's avatar

@ragingloli, why did you want to know?

ragingloli's avatar

I have a surplus of dogs, and I need a way to get rid of them, while still getting something useful out of the mutts.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Surplus? Were they forced upon you, or has someone had puppies? As thought experiments go, this is one which leads me to suspect that you are cursed with entirely too much spare time.

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