Social Question

Is it possible to become obsessed with obtaining a "baby butt shave"?
I recently converted from using disposable razors to “wet shaving”...using a shaving brush, making lather and using an adjustable double edged razor. I’ve learned the necessity of properly moisturizing the face, applying NO PRESSURE to the razor and using multiple passes to shave without irritation or cutting the face. I’m becoming quite efficient at getting an extremely close shave, however…
…it ain’t BBS.
I get to the point of applying shaving balm and I feel fine hair on my face. I don’t care how many times I re-lubricate (Shave Secret) and re-shave, there’s ALWAYS fine hair left somewhere on my face.
I HATE hair on my face. I fear daily attempts to remove this last bit of facial hair has become an obsession.
What to do?