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elbanditoroso's avatar

Are there dog breeds that don't breed?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33656points) August 24th, 2015

It seems like just about anything will breed with anything else. I was just reading about a basset-hound – bull terrier mix, which seems a little strange to me.

How picky are dogs? Will they breed with anything that moves?

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10 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

It’s apparently very difficult for English bulldogs to breed naturally. Almost all purebred English bulldogs are the result of artificial insemination.

Buttonstc's avatar

I imagine that a Great Dane and a Yorkie would be nigh impossible without serious injury or death for the Yorkie.

The more that man is involved in manipulating breeds of any animal, the likelier the incidence of problems.

Those lovely big breasted turkeys that everyone is so fond of every Thanksgiving could not reproduce if their lives depended upon it. Artificial insemination must be used.

Wild turkeys have no problems whatsoever with mating.

Coloma's avatar

I wasn’t aware that Bulldogs had reproductive challenges but yep, most dogs will breed with any other breed if possible. I knew a Basset Hound German Shepherd X once. Looked exactly like a big German Shepherd but with a Basset Hound body and short legs. It was the funkiest looking dog ever. haha
I also had, like 40 years ago now, a little mixed breed dog that was raped by our neighbors huge German Shepherd that jumped our 6 foot fence when my little mixed dog was in her first heat at about 10 months old. We were JUST going to have her spayed in another week when we caught them in the act.

My dog was only about 15.lbs. a Fox Terrier mix and she ended up having EIGHT puppies from the monster shepherd with no issues at all. The puppies were as big as she was at 8 weeks old.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Buttonstc Interesting. I immediately thought of a male Yorkie and a female Great Dane saying:
“Is it in yet?”

I imagine, while unsatisfying, that mating combination would be successful.

syz's avatar

Not only do bulldogs need help with insemination, most of the bitches require cesarean section.

Pandora's avatar

Ever seen the hard time bull dogs have breathing. Its no wonder. 30 seconds of humping probably causes them to pass out from lack of oxygen. Poor things. Though it doesn’t surprise me. I think nature intervenes in species that shouldn’t mate because of over breeding bad genetics.

Coloma's avatar

@Pandora LOL…30 seconds of humping causes a lot of males to pass out from lack of oxygen, especially in middle age. haha

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