General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What are some examples of good long term goals?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 26th, 2015

Like getting married. Owning a house. Getting a pH. D. . Being rich. Ect.

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15 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Eat healthy.
Get a job.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Support your self,try and exercise,eat right,put something away for retirement.

Buttonstc's avatar

Get educated. Get a job. Eat a balanced diet.

janbb's avatar

Try fulfilling some short term ones first.

Cruiser's avatar

Become masterful at some activity, hobby, musical instrument or art and then inspire or teach others how to do it.

johnpowell's avatar

I probably know a lot more about you than you know. My advice is to get a bike and start riding, or at least start walking a lot.

You are using these lofty goals as a excuse for doing nothing.

Baby steps this shit.

gondwanalon's avatar

If you want to be “rich” then start planing for it:
Work hard and play hard.
Set up a Roth IRA (make maximum contributions).
Take full advantage of your employer’s 401k or 403b.
Invest additionally in the stock market and stay the course for the long haul.
Be frugal with your money.
There are no guarantees but if you do the above starting young you will likely have a few million ($‘s) by the time you reach 65 years old. But if you don’t plan, save and invest, then you are guaranteed to be poor.

LostInParadise's avatar

@johnpowell has a point. Create short term goals to learn about which long term goals are appropriate. Take a course or two and create some self-discipline and then determine how far you might take your education. Socially engage with women and see how you feel about these relationships before contemplating marriage.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Set a goal to get in shape within 1 year. Now work on it in bite sized pieces. You mentioned your size and weight a while ago. If I recall you could easily afford to knock off 50 pounds. Figure a pound a week. That is only 500 calories (one hour walk) of extra activity per day (one hour walk) or 500 calories (a jelly donut) of not eating junk food.
That is within your control.
Do it! Everything in life is better when you are in shape.

Pachy's avatar

Short term: financial management
Long-term: financial management

jca's avatar

If you could put aside 2 dollars a day, you’ll have over 700 in one year.

I agree with others who suggested exercising. If you can do it 3 or 4 times a week, that’s a reasonable start.

talljasperman's avatar

I’m eating fruits and vegetables. I’ve stopped drinking everything but water. I walk to the grocery store every two days. I have applied to a job placement service. I go to bed when it gets dark. I got my teeth cleaned and only have two cavities. I managed to save $35 this month. I had an emergency pizza last night. I won’t make a habit of doing that.

Aster's avatar

Switch to a diet of mainly fruits and vegetables , take a half hour walk a day , take a turmeric capsule daily, drink lots of filtered water and cut way back on sugar. I say this while feeling apple cobbler between my teeth.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@talljasperman That is great! You are on your way! Now you must keep it up. A little at a time.
How many calories was the pizza? Did you make up for it by walking more?
$35 a month x 12 is $420 a year.
Keep it up.

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