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JLeslie's avatar

Did you see what Ben Carson said about Planned Parenthood?

Asked by JLeslie (65937points) August 28th, 2015 from iPhone

I fully support Planned Parenthood, and I think the constant statements on the right that Planned Parenthood employs eugenics, and that they ignore all the services available to women really annoys me. That eugenics talk in my mind is a feeble attempt to lure black citizens to the republican fold.

However, I do have to give it to Carson that his clever statement is a winner, and plays perfectly to the pro-life people who hate PP, Obama, and liberals in general. For me personally it disgusts me that he is so out of touch with medical needs of women. I shouldn’t be surprised. So many doctors are out of touch with how difficult it is for some people to go to the doctor and get medical care. Not just money obstacles, there are many obstacles.

What do you think about his statement? I’ll be interested to see if other republicans pick it up.

Also, why aren’t the democrats outing all the republican
politicians who have supported and donated to PP?

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11 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Half truths and innuendo stated by a hypocrite. I think he is probably a lousy doctor since he has no empathy for women in need.

Dr. Carson did his own studies using fetal tissue back in the early 1990s.

rojo's avatar

Just a series of the same old worn out sound byte talking points that every Republican candidate and most of their base continue to parrot. and his last statement regarding the womens health care services “I thought they were supposed to get all those things based on Obamacare? Why do we need Planned Parenthood?” What a pile of crap. He knows better. Someone has to provide the services. Surely he doesn’t think that these services now magically fly through the air to arrive on the doorstep of the women who need them? Or is there a brand new chain of Obamacare stores that have sprung up throughout the US and I just haven’t noticed them?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I wonder how much of what he says is what he really believes, and how much is what is political speech. No real way to know.

All I can think is that he is a highly educated and trained man, a rational thinker (you sort of have to be do be a neurosurgeon), so how does he come up with these irrational approaches?

JLeslie's avatar

From what I understand he was raised in a religious home, and quite poor. He might really believe all his pro-life self proclaimed stances due to his religion? I don’t know. I don’t know if he, as an adult, is religious.

DoNotKnow's avatar

How else can you get poor people to vote for Republicans?

Focusing on the “culture war” issues (through convenient appeals to religiosity) is the distraction that a party needs. These types of statements about PP are signals that are sent out and the media plays along. Guns, abortion, stupid “racist” comments, “insensitive” immigration comments, etc. – these are welcome breaks from having to discuss economic issues. Shit, if I were a Republican or Democrat, of course I’d want to talk PP after I just whored myself out to corporate interests.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yeah he was ready for the question. But did you notice that when Ben led the interviewer toward the bait that so many planned parenthood facilities are in minority & underserved communities, the interviewer came back ( appropriately) with “Doesn’t that prove their point?” Ben springs the trap with “I thought Obama care was going to provide for that”. The interviewer missed the obvious question “You thought Obamacare would build women’s healthcare facilities in underserved communities?” The interviewer effectively permitted Ben to get away with not answering the question. He should asked for an explanation as to how obamacare was meant to be a construction and staffing bill.

DoNotKnow's avatar

I just got an automated call from Ben Carson. I put it on speaker long enough for my daughter to hear and for us to discuss that we are listening to a man who wants to control her body. She was appalled – but really confused about why a campaign would think interrupting someone’s day by making them sit through a recording on a phone call would help a candidate.

jaytkay's avatar

If you want to see what happens when conservatives get total control of a country and enforce traditional values, look to Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Vote Republican if you want a return to traditional values.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG. I just thought he was the greatest after hearing his story.
Then I realized he threw his lot in with the Republicans and my respect slipped.
But those statements he made in that video, @JLeslie, like, “I thought Obamacare was supposed to provide all of that…”
I thought he was supposed to be so damn intelligent?! I have no respect left for the man.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

April 29, 2016: Refresh my memory. Who was Ben Carson?

stanleybmanly's avatar

It must be distressing for those peculiar black Americans aligned with the conservative movement. On the one hand I suppose it’s gratifying that a black idiot is accepted by the party with the same fervor as his white counterparts. But the accumulating spectacle since Clarence Thomas of guys like Cain & Carson cavorting with the paler dummies is more than a little unsettling.

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