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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Did you know that Canada has a federal election this year?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23475points) August 28th, 2015

The Americans go to the polls next year, and yet up here all we hear about is their politics, and their mud slinging, do any of my fellow jellies even know Canada is having a federal election this year, and do you even know who the three party leaders are?

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29 Answers

DoNotKnow's avatar

What’s a “Canada”?

Seriously, I’m extremely ignorant concerning my neighbors to the north.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sad seeing we are your closest friend,one of your largest trading partners, a great deal of your crude comes from Canada,but once you get 75miles south of the border the Americans seem to know almost nothing about us, why is that?

thorninmud's avatar

Take it as a weird sort of compliment, @SQUEEKY2. Americans generally have so much confidence that Canada isn’t going to do anything batshit crazy that we feel safe just ignoring you. Hey, ask almost any other country: when the US starts paying attention to you, that’s probably not a good thing.

elbanditoroso's avatar

My Canadian friends have been telling me that the early election is a political ploy to cosolidate the current guy’s position for another 5 years.

Cruiser's avatar

I would not loose any sleep over this fact of how clueless Americans are to your politics as it is the same down here with our own politics. I can guarantee the only candidate people know by name is Trump. Not Donald Trump….just Trump. Some may know of Hillary but only that she is a woman. MAYBE a few will know of Joe Biden and that he has scary looking hair plugs and has had a gag in his mouth for 6 plus years and for good reason.

si3tech's avatar

I did not know that! I must say that Canadians know much more about the USA than we know about Canada eh? Was told once by a Canadian that we act like we are the only country. That is sad if true.:( I appreciate our wonderful neighbors to the north, eh?

rojo's avatar

Can you elect queens? I thought it was a hereditary position.

zenvelo's avatar

No, I did not know outside of occasional postings about the Canadian Debates and questions posed by a certain fluther in Alberta.

But it is an “early” election; we don;t have elections moved around in the US, such an odd way of setting a term.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@zenvelo Nope it is scheduled for October and that is when we head to the polls, but the Prime minister can call one early for many reasons most of which benefit his party.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@rojo You do know we have been independent from England for a great many years now,right??

rojo's avatar

When did THAT happen???

zenvelo's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Well you are kinda independent, although you still have a Governor-General and the Queen’s head is on all your money.

ucme's avatar

I do now & still don’t care, enough to answer here, yeah, but that’s aboot it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

More people here know about your elections than a random sampling of Americans would indicate. There were a couple of questions here a few weeks back contrasting your debate with the FOX/freak/talent show. remember?

Oh yeah, Trudeau, Harper, and the 3rd guy’s name is something like Mule Care.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I also know the election (and Thanksgiving) both come in October. But I have friends in your country who come down here frequently to visit & make fun of me. The Newfys in particular are some of my favorite people & I grin like a fool just thinking about them.

Berserker's avatar

Down with Harper!

cletrans2col's avatar

I knew that, and was irked that I had to choose between watching the leader debate or the GOP debates. I love following international politics and elections.

talljasperman's avatar

@cletrans2col Then you would be pleased that their is a Greek election on September 20th.

Kropotkin's avatar

Yes. I know all about Canadaland’s election.

There’s the Lumberjack Party, the Moose Party, and the Aboot Party.

The respective leaders of each party are Moe, Larry, and Curly.

talljasperman's avatar

@Kropotkin You forgot Shemp . The leader of the bloc Quebecoia

ibstubro's avatar

I did not.

But Canada doesn’t have a fixed (4) year cycle like the US, does it?
Aren’t you all bickering more than having a full blown election cycle?

Unlike other jellies, I vote the US cede to Canada. By the time we totally Trump-swamp their election system, maybe Mexico will have thought of something brilliant.

Obama was the fix.

Can we all just vote against someone until the cream rises to the top?

Berserker's avatar

The fact that Hillary is even an issue makes me wonder why the fuck people even make fun aboot our goddamn meece, eh?

cletrans2col's avatar

@ibstubro usually, if a party in power has a strong majority in parliament (like the Canadian Conservatives do) they will usually complete their full terms (which I believe is 5 years there).

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, this is embarrassing. Apparently your politicians are normal, sane people who don’t do idiotic, batshit crazy things in a wild attempt to get attention and nothing else.

No, I did not know Canada had an election coming up. If one of the parties danced naked, on an elephant, screaming “Death to the illegal Canuks!” we might know about it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uh @Dutchess_III Our politicians are still batshit crazy ,the only difference is that they are polite batshit crazy unlike your politicians.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

When I first saw this question, I thought it said feral not federal… oops, I just came here to share that with you :)

edit: forgot the e off here

Anna737's avatar

OMG Who Is Guarding Us From The Canadians?!? Aaaargh!!

rojo's avatar

^^THEY are already here among us, using clever disguises so as to blend in.^^

Puck People! Puck People! Puck People!

talljasperman's avatar

Polls close in 5 hours in Alberta.

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