Social Question

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Do you subscribe to the Judeo-Christian creation story or, considering what we now know about our universe, do you subscribe to another explanation of our origin?

Asked by Espiritus_Corvus (17299points) August 30th, 2015

Considering what we now know about our universe, anthropology, new interpretations of our antiquities and the possibilities of technology, does it make more sense to you that the ancients, our progenitors, may have come here as transplants from another planet and the predominant creation theory the majority of the population now subscribes to – the lost paradise, for example—are merely folk lore interpretations to explain the long lost facts of our history?

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10 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

I believe that there was something similar to the land bridge connecting Russia to Alaska but something in dimensions or a temporary space bridge and some people crossed and got cut off. I believe that everyone has a common ancestry through space and time. Maybe a wormhole connecting us. Like a Stargate only natural.

JLeslie's avatar

Does the majority if the world subscribe to the creation explanation? The Catholics prettying accept evolution as a valid scientific theory. Probably a decent percentage of other Christians do. Probably the majority of Jews don’t believe the religious creation story. Maybe the Muslims do? Then you have everyone else who is not one of the Abrahamic religions.

I don’t think very often about how we or the universe was created. I think science has some good evidence for the prevailing theories. I accept big bang and evolution as working theories.

I don’t really understand why this is such a big deal for so many. For scientists interested in studying the subject sure, but for the average person how does it affect us? I’m not saying this is a bad Q, I’m talking about the arguments about it in politics, among friends, about teaching it in public school. It seems like a lot of uproar about nothing.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m much more comfortable with evolution (which, @Espiritus_Corvus , you didn’t offer as an option.) Evolution at least has the benefit of being observed and empirically provable, to a large degree.

I wouldn’t dismiss space aliens having some role (yes, I watch the Science Channel, too), but unless or until there is something more than conjecture, I can’t accept it as definitive.

The one theory I utterly dismiss is the “world was created in 6400 BC in a total of 7 days”.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Whatever our origins, it’s more than clear that the biblical version just plain cannot hold up. It perplexes me that anyone with a rational mind would be willing to accept the fantastic doings in those myths as credible. The only thing to be said for the myriad of cults built around supposed explanations for the way things are, is that such notions were were devised when folks hadn’t a clue about what they were looking at or “what makes it work”. To go around citing biblical explanations for the order of the universe is equivalent to crediting thunder and lightning to Zeus hurling thunderbolts.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@JLeslie The lost paradise legend, not necessarily the same as the Eden story, is pretty much universal, found in cultures throughout the world.

JL, it’s not a big deal. It’s just interesting, a subject that might stimulate an interesting conversation here., The answers will not change one’s life in any way.

talljasperman's avatar

Zeus sounds like Jesus. Maybe they are the same person/(G)gods?

JLeslie's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus I didn’t think you thought it was a big deal, I’m talking about those who do.

@talljasperman I just mentioned Zeus today to my husband (weird coincidence since I probably bring up Zeus once every 20 years) I never thought of him as Jesus, but now that I do it kind of makes sense.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@JLeslie Let’s see where this goes and not worry about the overly-sensitive. Our words are censored enough already. Censoring ourselves for fear of insulting someone’s sensibilities by merely hypothesizing alternate theories is ridiculous. I’m not insinuating that is what you were doing by any means, But if we allow political correctness and fear of possible unintentional insult to others to gag us, this whole society is headed back to the dark ages.

Cannot Fluther have this discussion without it devolving into an argument of faith? There once was a time… ah, 2007 or early 2008 it was…

JLeslie's avatar

I was only talking about myself and how I rarely ponder this, and curious why it matters so much to some people. Not that I was asking why it matters on this Q, again I was only talking about my own bewilderment.

Of course discussing it is fine. This Q simply asks what each person believes, it really is not asked in a way that should devolve into an argument. Your intention was clear to me that you’re just curious about individual opinions.

ragingloli's avatar

I accept the evidence based discoveries of science.

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