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gatablanca's avatar

Was hitler satan?

Asked by gatablanca (37points) July 21st, 2008


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31 Answers

seVen's avatar

Satan uses world leaders with his host of demons to influence in evil way this world yes.

Poser's avatar

Everyone is born evil. Some are just better at it than others.

XCNuse's avatar

Hitler was genius, he just did stuff he shouldn’t have.

Smart guy to say the least. Cleansing is what made him lose in the end though.

xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

Well let’s take Satan, can we prove Satan exists? No. Can you prove Hitler exists? Yes. Right there is a simple contradiction, and evil is just an opinion, I wouldn’t put it past some hard core Americans that they say that the Taliban or Al Qaeda are evil, but those two groups probably call us evil. So in that perspective it’s really just who’s side your on, and it just so happens that we won so we can call him whatever we want.

Poser's avatar

Evil is not just an opinion. Just because two different people/groups have differing opinions on what is evil, doesn’t mean both are, or both aren’t. Evil exists, just as goodness exists.

gatablanca's avatar

Maybe Hitler was just crazy- and the people who elected him was evil. Obviously there was something wrong with him and needed to be in a nut house and would have been better off as a painter. He and the Nazis even claimed to have alien visitors to help them out

PupnTaco's avatar

No, he was Hitler. Satan is a fairy story.

eambos's avatar

Hitler was a man. Satan is a fable.

tinyfaery's avatar

I might get in trouble for this, but as far as I know Hitler never personally killed or tortured anyone. Also, he had syphilis, and was going insane. The true “evil” was the many sane individuals who carried out his vision, and the apathetic who stood by and let it happen.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

XCNuse—Hitler was not a genius. He was an idiot. If he had been a genius, things would have worked out the way he wanted, instead of him hiding in a bunker, proclaiming the 3rd reich as a failure, and killing himself.

And please don’t refer to the murder of 6 million innocent people as “cleansing”. That kind of makes me want to throw up.

XCNuse's avatar

He didn’t do it himself, he “ordered” the “murdering,” also known as ethnic cleansing in the world.

Hitler was a genius and there’s plenty of proof, and yes he was also a good painter.
Not everything may have gone as he expect, but Murphy isn’t known for stuff happening correctly you know.

the most basic proof Hitler was a genius?
How do you get an entire country to want to follow your order? How do you get that many people to actually want to follow you than turn against you… an entire country!

The man was smart as all get out, he just used it the wrong way.

Some of yall just need to change your perspective on some things.

Yes he had ordered millions of people killed, it isn’t like that hasn’t happened before..?
More Christians have been killed in this world and you don’t see as many being as upset about it.

He gave people jobs, dreams, nationalism… Hitler was a genius, and people didn’t see the direction of his dream until it took place killing millions. In the end he was still a brilliant man.

Poser's avatar

@XCNuse—“he had ordered millions of people killed, it isn’t like that hasn’t happened before..?”

Does that somehow make it less horrible?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

No, I’m sorry I have to disagree with you again, nxcuse. 6 MILLION jews were kills. That many christians just haven’t been murdered for being christian. It’s just not true.

XCNuse's avatar

Actually, over 6 million Christians have been killed throughout history “just for being Christians”
Check your history mate.

@Poser, like I said, he was brilliant, he just put his geniusness.. in the wrong direction.
Smart planning wise etc. but he executed it all wrong.

He took mankind and made it machine and got rid of it when it stopped working.

Once again, some of you just don’t see it, you’re seeing it as killing people just for being different, get around that thought, and look at what he was trying to do and you’ll understand that his original intentions were nothing short of genius, universalizing the entire world, if he executed his plan the right way, neither world wars would have happened, and even more lives would have been sustained.

But because it was executed all wrong, Jewish were killed, and so were a several million people just to fight for their country.

If Hitler did what he wanted to rather than have other idiots control what he should do, 6 million Jewish people would have lived. However million people would have not been killed in world wars, and our history books wouldn’t contain anything in the last century that they do now.

As they say in each country’s military, don’t let emotion choose your judgement.

Poser's avatar


XCNuse's avatar

is that better lol

jlacombe's avatar

Satan is not that bad.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

jlacombe, not as bad as hitler, or just “not that bad” ?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

nexcuse, check your history, “mate”

you find me a link from a reputable source not a wikipedia article you just finished typing, that says that, and i’ll believe you.

XCNuse's avatar

A reputable source would be my history book from my history class I’ve been taking this summer, but I can’t imagine you happen to have the 5th edition World History by William J Duiker and Jackson J Spielvogel sitting in your lap like i do right now now would you?

I tell you what, since you seem to know so much then you find me a source saying that less Christians have been killed in the last 2 thousand years, and treated less unfairly overall than all other religions, and I will accept that you are right and I’m wrong.

Here I tell you what, maybe this will be some good reading for you:

and just to piss you off, here’s a wikipedia link because I know you won’t read any of it:

Oh and if you forgot, Christians were also killed by Nazi Germany too.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Okay, well if your purpose in having this discussion is “to piss me off” then I guess I’m done with it. I thought we were here to contribute to intellectual conversation, but if that’s not what we were doing, I’m done with it. Thanks for letting me in on it.

shilolo's avatar

@XcNuse. Pray tell, what history class is this? Is it American History X?

No religious group has been persecuted more thoroughly than the Jews. First, there were the Romans, then, the Inquisition, then, annual pogroms across Europe and then, the so-called Final Solution. Now, there is the constant fear from the Muslim world. I encourage you to cite any data proving your point.

As to your glorification of the most reviled man in history, I feel sad for you. Hitler was not an innocent bystander to the murder of millions. He initiated it. One need only look at his writings, namely, Mein Kampf, to know that he was deeply antisemitic and intent on pursuing ethnic cleansing. As far as your claim that he was seeking global hegemony, that part is true. Simply put, he was looking for more living space and materials for his Aryan race. If that came at the expense of the Poles, Russians, etc., well, that was ok by him. To call him a genius is to glorify a man who embodied the worst, most evil characteristics of man. Please desist from espousing your neo-Nazi ideology here.

XCNuse's avatar

Okay so he took it to the next level by executing the killing of millions.
Let us not forget it wasn’t ONLY Jewish, millions of others were killed that weren’t Jewish. Either way, his idea was still ingenious, whether it killed people or not.
Actually overall lets forget religion

and, just to prove a point, here is the definition according to what genius is, and Hiter fills the needs for almost all of these.

1. an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.: the genius of Mozart.
2. a person having such capacity.
3. a person having an extraordinarily high intelligence rating on a psychological test, as an IQ above 140.
4. natural ability or capacity; strong inclination: a special genius for leadership.
5. distinctive character or spirit, as of a nation, period, or language.
6. the guardian spirit of a place, institution, etc.
7. either of two mutually opposed spirits, one good and the other evil, supposed to attend a person throughout life.
8. a person who strongly influences for good or ill the character, conduct, or destiny of a person, place, or thing: Rasputin, the evil genius of Russian politics.

That last one is the best.. a genius is a person who strongly influences for good or ILL, being a genius doesn’t make you a good man.

Actually no you know what, the question asks if Hitler was Satan, and I’m not Jewish so I’m not 100% sure, but I’m fairly sure that the Jewish don’t have a Satan.

Question over I suppose at this point.

shilolo's avatar

Let us use your example:
1. an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.: the genius of Mozart.
He is nowhere on this list: Mozart, Beethoven, Newton, Einstein, Darwin, Van Gough, Picasso….Hitler? No.
2. a person having such capacity.
No again.
3. a person having an extraordinarily high intelligence rating on a psychological test, as an IQ above 140.
These types of tests were not done in Germany at the time, but many people who knew Hitler described him as thoroughly anti-intellectual.
4. natural ability or capacity; strong inclination: a special genius for leadership.
5. distinctive character or spirit, as of a nation, period, or language.
Wrong definition.
6. the guardian spirit of a place, institution, etc.
Wrong definition.
7. either of two mutually opposed spirits, one good and the other evil, supposed to attend a person throughout life.
Wrong definition.
8. a person who strongly influences for good or ill the character, conduct, or destiny of a person, place, or thing: Rasputin, the evil genius of Russian politics.

At best, Hitler could be described as a charismatic leader. But genius, no. He managed to displace Germany’s anger over their humiliating defeat in WW1 onto the Jews (as natural scapegoats). His approach to rescuing the German economy was an all-out militarization (whereas FDR used public works projects). Once he built the military, and demonized the Jews, it was only natural for him to use both aspects to energize the country.

loser's avatar

he was just a very sick man

Knotmyday's avatar

@XCNuse- what a pointless, dumbfounded exercise in neo-Nazi pseudo-logic. It sickens me to think that the unresearched drivel you are spouting is currently being taught at an educational institution. Which institution is it? Schloss Hartheim?

No doubt you will reply to this with a statement as well-thought-out and carefully researched as, and I quote: “I’m fairly sure that the Jewish don’t have a Satan,” unquote.

Here’s a definition for you.

XCNuse's avatar

okay so my definition of genius is different from yours? big deal that is true for tons of people and words.

Either way I answered the question in my latter post.

I don’t know if its true because I’m not Jewish, but that’s what some random website and a few others happened to say….

Tone's avatar

XCNuse – Ugh. Seriously? You can talk semantics all you want about the precise definition of “genius,” and how it might apply to one of history’s greatest monsters, but you know damn well that genius is generally used in a positive sense, and to apply it to Hitler is inflammatory and offensive and serves no other purpose.

And comparing the collective murder of all Christians over a span of 2000 years to the systematic extermination of 6,000,000 Jews (not to mention nother 4,000,000 or so others) in a span of about 6 years is ridiculous on its face.

It also shouldn’t have to be mentioned that evil perpetrated against one group doesn’t lessen or mitigate the horribleness of an evil perpetrated against another group.

Knotmyday's avatar

@Tone- lurve for “horribleness.”

guesswho999's avatar

Hitler was a gifted orator, could put on a perfomance like an actor and had a talent for one of the arts. When put in those terms he was no more a genius than Bill Clinton. So was Hitler a genius NO. The unabomber had a 167 IQ and I would classify as a genius (or evil genius which seems to be part of the debate)
Was Hitler Satan/the Devil? I believe he was. Thats why I googled it to see if anyone else formed the same possible conclusion. I had also theorized that Hitler and Mozart were in fact the same person reincarnated. Sid Vicious who was the bassist from the sex pistols I believe was the next body of Satan born again. The sins over many lifetimes perhaps began to show as Sid was a meager shell of a human being. This was probably due to centuries of sin spanning over several lifetimes. Now this sounds like a great novel and I realize I sound like Im just pulling this stuff out of my ass. Might be, unless I know because thats me and Im checking to see if people are still writing things about me.

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