If you could make one type of object disappear from Earth, what would it be?
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longgone (
September 2nd, 2015
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108 Answers
It would be mean human beings… only that people will be allowed to live who are kind hearted and want to help each other and live in peace and harmony.
^^ We are making them disappear. :-)
There has to be a better answer.
@ibstubro I agree a better answer is in order as mosquitoes are very important to our ecosystem. Larvae are a major food source for fish and other aquatic animals as is the adult mosquitoes for birds and spiders. Plus they obviously carry and spread many diseases which is natures way of perhaps equalizing certain human and animal populations on earth.
Earwigs or perhaps roaches. both kind of creep me out for some reason.
@majorrich Partial agree. Roaches are just too creepy to keep on earth.
Earwigs, on the other hand, are very beneficial insects, particularly to home gardeners who like to grow their own corn. Besides, they are harmless to humans.
Or electronics. Both are equally horrifying at times.
My answer was more of a poke at how many people lurve the removal of Religion on this site. It’s so laughable and transparent that it’s “just fine to remove religion”.. but “not ok” to remove a lack of it.
It’s a testament to the overwhelming slant this site has. Nothing more.
@janbb I am with you on questioning that answer. To me it has been the Religious Fascists that have steered this country in many wrong directions
That white stuff that accumulates in the corners of your mouth when you’re really thirsty.
I look so sloppy and tacky without a bra, @anniereborn. It’s not pleasant to look at, and it’s physically uncomfortable for me. I get so damn jealous of women who can buy cute sun dresses that have a little bit of support in the chest, so they can easily go bra-less.
I kan’t see a use for the letter “C”. I sertainly seems to serve no purpose.
@Dutchess_III Oh, I shouldn’t go bra-less by our society’s standards. But…maybe if no one wore them, no one would care that I am not.
Maybe…but they’re just big bags of fat hanging off our chest, and people don’t really care for bags of fat. If you want to look at it that way. Which I don’t. But there it is.
Still waiting for @Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One to clarify his comment about the “removal of religion” on Fluther.
@Dutchess_III I think there are a lot of men (and women) who would beg to differ :p
@anniereborn because it ends up bad. 20 trillion dollars in debt for the USA.
@talljasperman I can see how it can be very bad for some people who get caught up in it. But I seriously don’t think that is the cause of our nation’s debt.
Belly fat (including the extra skin if necessary)
Ravioli that sticks together. I hate that shit.
@Symbeline I’ll second that one. The part where it’s stuck never gets done and tastes like crap.
YES. Even if you unstick them before cooking, it still tastes like dead ass.
LMAO. Not just ass but dead ass.
Lol, yeah. That’s like…calling someone a carpet vendor. It’s not an insult. Just like eating any ass, dead or alive, probably tastes like, er…ass.
How do you know how ass tastes?
Well I’ve bit an ass before. Didn’t actually really taste like anything. It was a live ass.
Here you guys. Now you can stop debating. (Our own Seek posted this on FB, wholly unaware of the assinine conversation going on here!)
good heavens! going from dead ass to asscream to chocolate dong asscream just in a few posts. Gotta think fast to keep up with this fluther.
I’ll second fossil fuels, if they disappear without combusting.
If I were to make an object disappear from the face of the earth it would be to have all political election props: advertisements, campaign information, commercials, political debates, verbal sparring etc., used when running for office or a political cause. They would be allowed to come back 2.5 hours before the election they are vying for, with a raging case of laryngitis.
If this would turn out to be impossible, I would launch the Koch brothers to the closest spatial black hole.
I don’t know.
Are humans making Co2 fast enough that if I made the old supply disappear there would be enough to keep the plants from dying?
I’ll be on the safe side: All the Co2 from the Earth in winter phase, 12–13-15.
Yeah, so I took liberties with the question. What’s the worst that can happen? A baby question?
Mosquitoes, I was thinking about the resources that would be freed from the Gates and Buffet foundations. End malaria and other mosquito born diseases.
@Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One Perhaps it might help if I share the thought process behind the answer of “religion”.
The first object to come to mind was guns. Taking them away wouldn’t take away the distrust and hatred that causes so much harm to others. What is something else?
In looking back through history, how many wars have been caused in the name of religion? How many deaths? How many countries outlaw homosexuality in the name of religion? Look at the struggle the US is having regarding the right to allow same sex couples to marry or even welcome them as a member of their congregation. How long have we been observing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
One could argue that there will always be issues between people that aren’t religious-based, and of course this is true. There would also be a great deal of good deeds and respect that still continue, and possibly more, if religions didn’t exist.
If cancer of all types was considered a object I would go for that.
Fleas were on my short list, @Buttonstc.
I suspect that cancer is a natural by-product of evolution, @johnpowell. The unsuccessful part of nature’s experimentation that self destructs.
How about an emotion instead of an object??
The world would be a truly wonderful world if human GREED was non existent , instead of now that it just plain sucks!!!
Vuvuzelas. The annoying horns in soccer events.
Accidental, unprovoked erections.
No such thing, @majorrich. You know you’re just “asking for it.” ~
When my legs first started to go, Mr. Happy would occasionally pop up for a quick look around and then just go back to sleep. Doc said it was the nerves somehow malfunctioning on the valves that slow blood out of the penis.
Thanks, liked this thread!
Yes. Disorganized religion is more better!
Age induced extraneous hair. ie. earhair, lengthy eyebrows, Nose hair, sudden onset body hair.
Car horns can go. And cars/bikes without mufflers.
Can I say Kim Davis without too much offense???
and all the fucking Arabs.
@dxs: In my state (NY), your car won’t pass inspection if the horn doesn’t work, so if car horns were eliminated, the cars in NY would not pass inspection. Horn is a safety feature.
@jca Hardly. I’d say the number one use for car horns is aggression, followed not so closely by the number two use which is letting the texter know the light has changed. (source is my own experience) I think cars could do without horns. Maybe it’ll help people concentrate more on the road!
But @dxs doesn’t that mean you really need the horn to let that texter know to stop fucking texting and start driving????
@dxs: I know what they’re mostly used for, but they are a safety feature and can be useful for when some idiot is coming into your lane and doesn’t realize you’re next to him, or you’re coming along a narrow road and there’s a moron with his door open that you’re going to hit, or there’s a bicyclist who is not aware that you’re coming up along side him, or a host of other things.
@jca is right they are a safety feature, but a lot of people do get way over zealous using them.
I’m actually pissed when I’m about to make a stupid move on the road and the person near me doesn’t honk their horn. I’m not in that situation often, but please prevent the near miss or crash by alerting me somehow.
“and all the fucking Arabs.”
because that is not at all racist.
@ragingloli… have you lost your sense of humor? He didn’t mean it seriously.’’
@JLeslie I know. I’ve almost asked a question about that. I’m backing out of a stall at Sonic, can’t see anything past the giant truck beside me, and almost back into someone driving through, and they never “said” a thing.
>humor> We had a more colorful euphemism for the Arabs way back during Desert Storm. That was also about the time I was informed about the Army standing joke about Little Brown People (of which I am one) <end humor
My husband said he used to be called a sand nigger where he grew up, in Minnesota. He has Indonesian heritage, and it shows. I’d never heard the term before that.
@ragingloli If I have to explain the jokes, they aren’t funny anymore.
LOOOL @majorrich cut it the fuck out lolol!!! Everytime you answer something in here I just bust out laughing lol.
I hate to be a pedant (actually, I love it), but many of these aren’t objects or types of objects.
Colonoscopies and/or Prostate examinations
I love Todd Snider. That song cracks me up every time I listen to it. Too funny. And too true (unfortunately).
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