General Question

The_Inquisitor's avatar

Why do hair sometimes look fried at the end?

Asked by The_Inquisitor (3166points) July 21st, 2008

My friend, complains a lot about her hair, how it doesn’t grow so fast, and how it looks fried at the ends, what can she do to help it?. she conditions, and hasn’t touched a hair straightener for a while now. I’m running out of suggestions for her…. anybody?

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7 Answers

generalspecific's avatar

when was the last time she had it cut?
she might just need to get her hair trimmed if it’s been a while.
but it sounds like a good idea to stay away from the straightener or coloring it or anything.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

well, actually, her mom is a hair dresser, so she gets her hair trimmed about every month or so, so i don’t think that’s the problem.

XCNuse's avatar

if her hair grows slower than normal (is that entirely possible?) I mean it could just be that her hair is aging faster or something.

hmm.. I mean it could be the conditioner she is using, sometimes conditioner can be more hurtful than helpful.

Each person is different you know, so it could just be whatever she’s putting in her hair, tell her to experiment with her shampoo and conditioner.

also, ask her this, what shampoo and conditioner is she using?

The_Inquisitor's avatar

She’s said that she buys a lot of different kinds of shampoo, strenghtening hair ones, and ‘repairing’ ones. Uses one for about a month, and switches, but nothing works.

XCNuse's avatar

Well there’s her problem lol

Hair grows extremely slow, we’re talking roughly half an inch each month, by changing each month you’d never know if something works, if something was working, she wouldn’t ever know because she has changed what she’s using already.

My hair is about I dunno, I’d assume 5 inches long, I haven’t had any problems of the sort, I use Suave Naturals (shampoo only, I don’t use conditioner). I used to use Panteen Pro V, but conditioner messes with my hair.

By changing it she isn’t getting anywhere. Tell her if she’s going to use different types every now and then, change every 6 months, every month is far to often to see any results.

Inconsistency and the human body don’t get along, never have.. never will.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

ooh, well said. :P thanks a lot XCNuse!

XCNuse's avatar

I try haha, anytime :)

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