Meta Question

rojo's avatar

When a question is pulled for editing is it put back on the day it was submitted or the day it was edited?

Asked by rojo (24187points) September 2nd, 2015

Like if you had too many spelling and punctuation errors because you capitalized Online when it didn’t need it or perhaps used a dash before and after “vs” when it wasn’t really necessary will it go back into the lineup where it was initially or will it go back in as a new question in a more recent position?

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48 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

The Mods sometimes use this as a way to kill a question that they are pissed off about. By the time the question re-appears, it’s dead-in-the-water anyway, because it’s several days back in the line-up.
I currently have a question in editing because I used the word “unrational” and the powers that be would rather write paragraphs justifying the edit/discouraging what little traffic there is than go-along, get-along.
I believe I know why Google slapped Fluther into oblivion.

thorninmud's avatar

It’s put back in the queue in its original spot. It’s true that this can be a problem if the editing process takes a long time. This can happen for a couple of reasons: the mods may not be in a position to deal with it right away, or the user may complicate the process by returning the question without making the requested changes.

This last happens more than you’d think. Sometimes the user doesn’t carefully read the feedback supplied with the returned Q and only does some of the requested edits. Sometimes the user gets a bee in the bonnet, decides to make a crusade out of it and refuses to budge. Either way, if the question gets bounced back and forth multiple times, it can take an awfully long time to get the Q back up, and the Q ends up buried down the list. It is a shame when that happens, and the mods never do that on purpose. But we don’t have an option for bumping a Q to the top of the list.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t understand this paranoia about the mods attacking a question for personal reasons. I’ve never, ever experienced that, and I’ve had lots of questions modded.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ibstubro The question shows back up within a half hour of one fixing their question. If it’s “several days back in the line up,” it’s because the Jelly took several days to fix the question, as is the case with your post that had the word “unrational” in it. You asked a question regarding the word “unrational” two days ago, so I assume that’s when your question got pushed to editing…but according to your comment above, you still haven’t taken 5 seconds to correct it, so it’s just sitting there.
That’s on you, not on the mods.

longgone's avatar

I wish it went to the top of the queue, but it doesn’t. As @thorninmud said, questions often get sent back several times, because the user doesn’t make the necessary changes. We try to be clear, but sometimes there is no time for detailed explanations. At the same time, leaving confusing questions up pretty much guarantees a thread full of demands for clarifications. Which we then have to mod later on.

rojo's avatar

Thanks all for the enlightenment.

jca's avatar

What has happened with me on the few occasions I’ve been unfortunate enough to have something modded, is that I may not log on to Fluther for a few hours or half a day or something. By the time I log on, see that the post needs editing, and then submit it back to the mods for approval, and then get it approved, it may be more than half a day, sometimes almost 24 hours. At that point, I know it will be reappearing way down in the feed. Unless a lot of people have commented on it, it’s almost more worth it to nix the question and make a new one. At least then the new one will be appearing at the top of the feed and a lot of people will see it.

ibstubro's avatar

@Dutchess_III “The question shows back up within a half hour of one fixing their question.” simply isn’t true.

I agree with @jca the question may have had a lot of comments (been posted for quite a while) before a mod took issue with it, and that there are days that I don’t log onto Fluther at all, so the question could go back 2–3 days in the feed by the time it’s re-posted.

In that case, unless the correction asked for is very straightforward (like simple spelling), there’s little incentive to simply edit, knowing the question is just going to be buried anyway.

longgone's avatar

@ibstubro You’re right. Questions get returned as soon as a mod is online. Because we are volunteers and don’t have fixed shifts, this can be a while. All of us try to go online throughout the day, but work, friends, family, sleep, and hobbies get in the way.

It seems illogical, however, to criticise the mods’ not being online 24/7 while, simultaneously, quoting the same “problem” as being the reason for delay on the user’s part. All of us have lives outside of Fluther. I think that’s healthy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

,,,You mods have the gall to SLEEP?? Well, humph.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@ibstubro “The powers that be would rather write paragraphs justifying the edit/discouraging what little traffic there is than go-along, get-along.”

The question was returned to you three times, and the longest “justification” (that is to say, explanation) you received from the mods was two sentences long (which doesn’t seem like it counts as “paragraphs”). So if “go-along, get-along” is a principle you endorse, I’m not sure how you reconcile that with your actual behavior of refusing to change the question and then complaining about it for two days.

“I believe I know why Google slapped Fluther into oblivion.”

Fluther was labeled a content farm because other sites were stealing our content and Google has no automated way of determining where the content originated. It’s not like Google sends agents to every site on the web to see if they approve of how they are run.

ibstubro's avatar

I don’t see where I criticized the mod’s work-life balance, @longgone, and I have nothing but praise for your efforts.

My point was that if the matter is as trivial as ’you capitalized Online when it didn’t need it’ and discussion has been progressing in the absence of moderation, why step in and moderate? If the person that posted the question takes a day to edit, then the question is effectively dead in the water.

Paragraphs @SavoirFaire.

SavoirFaire's avatar

“My point was that if the matter is as trivial as ’you capitalized Online when it didn’t need it’ and discussion has been progressing in the absence of moderation, why step in and moderate?”

Ben and Andrew built this site with a very specific vision, and emphasizing proper spelling and grammar was part of that. It was meant to differentiate the site from others that were (and remain) notoriously lax in that department. Everyone who signs up for the site agrees to these terms and conditions, and anyone who cannot abide by them has plenty of alternatives. You voluntarily chose to join and participate in a community with these values.

“Paragraphs @SavoirFaire.”

But no “powers that be.”

longgone's avatar

@ibstubro Glad to hear that. As to trivial errors, I agree with @SavoirFaire. The term “sticklers” is right there in the guidelines. Yes, getting questions pulled can be annoying, and so can having to pull them. I frequently mod threads I would love to parcipitate in. I mod attacks I actually agree with, or leave questions up though I would like them gone. I do all that because we are supposed to uphold Ben and Andrew’s standards – not our own. We don’t own the site. We have very specific moderation rules, and we discuss grey areas to ensure we don’t make too many mistakes.

I plan to buy Fluther, once I am rich, and there will be quite a few changes. Mostly, I hope to ban the letter “e”.

SavoirFaire's avatar

“Mostly, I hope to ban the letter ‘e’.”

Ah, a truly worthy goal. I look forward to that day. Though how many additional posts can you look forward to with such strict limitations? Could anybody accomplish anything past a solitary quip? ~

longgone's avatar

Faith in Fluthr is important, don’t you think? I trust that all inhabitants of this lagoon are quick-thinking and strong of will…warriors, you might say – up to any task I can think of, no doubt!

longgone's avatar

^ See how hard we work? ~

Dutchess_III's avatar

Holy crap! No “e” in that post, longgon!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If it is a simple punctuation or spelling error and it’s so important why don’t the mods just correct it,and throw it back in why send it back like a home work assignment?

SavoirFaire's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 While that is the normal procedure on many other websites, Fluther moderators do not have the ability to edit questions or posts ourselves. Thus why they have to be sent back or left as-is.

longgone's avatar

@Dutchess_III Damn. I’ll have to change my name, won’t I?

ibstubro's avatar

But for the topics that are misspelled and the little “cuties” under our sign-in names that contain the otherwise-prohibited non-English and text-speak phrases.

Are you going to have the change the official language to Inglish, @longgone?

longgone's avatar

I might do that. I’m also thinking about a daily language change. That would be fun, especially if I’m the only one who knows what language is allowed on a given day.

rojo's avatar

Hvordan kan du selv tenke å gjøre feige noe @longgone!

SavoirFaire's avatar

@ibstubro The topics can be edited by moderators, and there are even a few topic editors who can do it on their own. If you see any misspellings in the topics, please flag them for us. As for the taglines under our usernames, there aren’t any with text-speak as far as I know (though there is one with an emoticon). And non-English phrases are not prohibited, particularly not ones that are commonly appropriated into English like “je ne sais quoi” (that being, to my knowledge, the only non-English phrase appearing in any of the current taglines). Writing entire posts in a different language is usually not allowed (with certain exceptions), but not every word written on Fluther must be in English. Otherwise we couldn’t use well-known phrases like “c’est la vie” or “que sera, sera.” As such, this seems to be a case of you getting frustrated at rules that don’t even exist.

@rojo Congratulations! You somehow managed to figure out the correct language of the day! As a reward, you get your question answered. And the answer is: fordi hun kan.

longgone's avatar

@rojo Sadistic streak. I blame it on my parents.

@SavoirFaire Well said, but please stop trying to usurp my throne. Today’s language is Suomi, obviously.


Dutchess_III's avatar

what thee hell?

rojo's avatar

Vel, vil jeg være en latviere onkel!

Dutchess_III's avatar

You apologize, NOW, @rojo!

rojo's avatar

^^ To who??? The Lats???

SavoirFaire's avatar

Or perhaps to the strawberries.

rojo's avatar

Mansikat! OK tämä on aloittamassa outo minulle, ja se on vaikea tehdä.

rojo's avatar

Shit! I hope I got that in before the Suomi deadline

longgone's avatar

Fluther owner says: Please use proper Portuguese. Thanks.

All Scandinavian content will henceforth be removed.

ibstubro's avatar

The Mansion có, sự tinh tế quốc tế mới!

rojo's avatar

Well, hopefully @Mimishu1995 can help with this before @longgone realizes you have violated Fridays’ Portuguese only requirements.

longgone's avatar

[Fluther owner says]:

Ungh. Really tempted to ban all of you.

Especially @ibstubro. Him, I’m going to triple-ban.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban Ban ban ban ban I’M NOT LISTENING TO YOU NAH NAH NAH NAH!!! Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban b Ban ban ban ban Ban You are not a fluther owner, chicaka!

longgone's avatar

[Regular user says] Damn :|

rojo's avatar

I am being good now and communicating in English. Please not to ban???

ibstubro's avatar


Does quadruple ban make an algorithm?

longgone's avatar

^ I’ll let you two go for now, provided I receive a number of presents in the mail. You have two weeks. I like Reese’s.

On a serious note, because I just thought of this: Following jellies is an excellent way to make sure you don’t miss questions. They’ll show up in “Questions For You”, no matter how many questions have been asked since they were first posted. Just in case anyone has not realized this.

rojo's avatar

This is good to know. I often wondered why I was following people and what the benefit was.

ibstubro's avatar

(“Nice ass!” visuals, if you’re lucky, @rojo)!

rojo's avatar

Funny,, @ibstubro Back in the day when I was running 5 and occasional 10k’s that is how I would keep myself going. I would focus on a good looking hiney ahead of me and do my best to catch it. If I managed, I would pick another further on and repeat ass many times as necessary to finish the race.

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