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Magical_Muggle's avatar

Can someone help me find this video (details inside)

Asked by Magical_Muggle (2265points) September 3rd, 2015

I have been looking for a Stephen Hawking video recently.
I remember that in it he describes how reality can be warped, and he uses the analogy of a fish in a fish bowl,
he also makes mention of how one government banned round fishbowls under the pretense that it was cruel to warp their reality like that.
(O.k now I am just going to tell you what I remember)
– I am pretty sure that it is in the ‘Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking’ series, I just can’t find the exact video
– I seem to remember a scene where a crazy looking lady is paranoid about her table not being in the room when she leaves.
– I also remember that in the starting scene, it starts with Professor Stephen Hawking’s voice, and then changes to another man’s
– Concerning the fish in the fishbowl there is also a girl who purchases the fish and then gets chased by the police
– I seem to remember a man eating a hot dog in an amusement park, Professor Stephen Hawking was speaking about how this would could be a sort of Matrix, or even we are just brains in jars etc. etc.
I think that is enough information, hopefully it is,
But please, if you can make sure that someone in Australia can access the video (I am Australian)

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2 Answers

rojo's avatar

Haven’t found the video yet but here is a Time magazine article about his book that goes into the subject.

The book is called The Grand Design and is by Hawking and Mlodinow, who may be the other male.

rojo's avatar

It was probably a part of the 2012 Mini-series of the same name.

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