Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What are some things that would make you unelectable?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 7th, 2015

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35 Answers

chyna's avatar

Being a known child molester.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It all depends on where you are.

Someone electable in Massachusetts is not likely to be elected in Mississippi, and vice versa.

Someone who seems good in Manitoba is probably not going to do well in Quebec.

All politics is local.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well I am for fair living wage for the low wage earners ,and corporations would have none of that, they need their wage slaves.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Bad breath and B\O. I’m due for a shower next month.

Pachy's avatar

As a pachyderm, I’d have a tough time running as a member of my party of choice.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I can’t think on my feet or speak off the cuff. I turn into a “deer caught in the headlights.” My brain needs to consider a question or idea, research it, make some notes, and then present my conclusion. A politician doesn’t have the luxury of doing that.

Although I’m friendly to strangers and anyone I encounter out there in the world, I’m also a very quiet, private person. An elected politician gets recognized and approached. Even someone with a less-than prominent position, such as a school board member, can’t stop to buy a loaf of bread without having to meet-and-greet and listen to someone’s complaints.

A political term comes with nonstop inspection, criticism, and cheap shots. No matter how good, ethical, dedicated, etc. the person might be, there’s someone attacking him/her. It’s not normal or healthy to be constantly living offensively and under rebuke.

Americans are morons who pay the world’s highest education and health care costs, yet get the least in return. I’d change all that and make this country on par with every other developed country. People would scream “Socialist,” hate me, and defend their right to pay $260,000 for a college education or to buy into a non-system of expensive, redundant private health insurance plans.

Blackberry's avatar

Being too liberal. I wouldn’t make a good elected official, anyway.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Blackberry I think you’d be good, Cut the bullshit and fix the problems. I’d vote for you.

majorrich's avatar

Being Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Being a person who is actually qualified

janbb's avatar

I used to think that being a blowhard, bigoted know-nothing millionaire would make you unelectable but apparently t’aint necessarily so.

majorrich's avatar

Being unable to speak or read English in America would make it very difficult.

ibstubro's avatar

I have a hell of a time lying. Backed into a corner and seeing no real harm, I can usually pass. But I don’t remember a time that could fineness more than one lie at a time, or lie about really important things convincingly.

dxs's avatar

I don’t want the position.
I work fast food. (aka I don’t got no dough)

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The fact that I believe that the best form of government is Social Democracy as practiced in Sweden. It works and people are happy and live a much higher standard of living than Americans. It’s the best rational way for a democracy of millions.

The fact that I have no political experience, I would soon be swept under the same rug as Bernie Sanders has for decades.

If I actually garnered a significant following:

The fact that I spent 92 days in a Venezuelan prison. Regardless of the fact that I was arrested in a police sweep in a marketplace in Caraccas (while shopping) evidently too near a teacher’s demonstration a few blocks away, FOX and other outlets would surely find a way to criminalize my incarceration. (I was exonerated.)

I’m sure someone would dig up the fact that I’ve made Treasury Dept. unapproved visits to Cuba in the past few years.

I could even be seen as suspect for living abroad for so many years.

Cruiser's avatar

Having the last name of Clinton.

ibstubro's avatar

Being a Bush.

bossob's avatar

My one and only platform issue would be to give back the power of the vote to all citizens, that both parties have been usurping for decades.

I would expect to be drowned in opposing ads from both parties.

majorrich's avatar

Saying nothing but nice things about your opponent.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@majorrich That never works in your country or mine, besides whats an election without some good ole mud and shit slinging??

jerv's avatar

@Cruiser Actually, that has more to do with term limits. Hillary already ran the country for 8 years; she doesn’t deserve exemption from the 22nd Amendment just because she’s running without a beard this time.

Kardamom's avatar

Ha ha ha ha. I just read @chyna‘s answer, which was the first one. I thought you meant specifically what would make each of us Jellies, in particular, un-electable, but when I saw that she wrote “child molestor” I realized that you must have meant “you” as a general you.

I was gonna say because I’m a vegetarian, because that scares the h*ll out of some people.

For the general yous, I would think that being anything other than a Christian would probably not help one’s chances, and even some of the Christian denominations would have a much harder time. For instance: Quakers, Jehova’s Witnesses, Amish, Mormons, and even most Catholics (yes I know Kennedy was Catholic, but most current Catholics would have a hard time). Jews, Scientologists, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims would have a very difficult time.

jerv's avatar

@Kardamom Sadly, as it stands now, a Muslim has a better chance than an Atheist. What does that tell you?

msh's avatar

Anyone who believes they have foreign governmental experience and that they could handle all of the world’s nation’s respect- and the only time they have ever been out of the US is when they crossed over to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls.
Oops, there goes most of the babbling idiots!!!

Kardamom's avatar

@jerv Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that. You are so right. I’m guessing that being a Jelly would make one un-electable too (for most of the above reasons).

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Kardamom Nixon was born a Quaker, and never officially resigned from his congregation. Does that count?

jerv's avatar

@msh Does that include Ted Cruz leaving the US to visit where he was born?

msh's avatar

Oh, I apologize! I meant within the group of national politically declared candidates. I did not word my response to Jelly-Good-People!
—unless some Jellies are running….?????
Mea Culpa.

johnpowell's avatar

Socialist and a bit of a religion hater. And a totally reckless use of alcohol, cocaine, weed, LSD, crack, and some shit I forgot. I am also unwilling to use the Jesus card to absolve me of my sins/youth.

I won’t bullshit about the American Dream:

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” John Steinbeck

The wealth is now so concentrated in the hands of the few that you will never have the capital to make your own awesome business.

Oh, I have no need for a wife since I have a shower and a bottle of Astroglide. I don’t want a wife or kids. No car too. I have never had my license.

I would cut the militaries budget by 90% and dump all that sweet cash into schools and infrastructure, and healthcare. You know, the important stuff.

LostInParadise's avatar

Being an atheist, at least in the U.S. Being Muslim, gay or transgender, though I think they would all do better than an atheist. At one time I would have said being Jewish, but I am glad not to have come across any article criticizing Bernie Sanders on account of his religion. Certainly such bigots exist, but most of them are probably people who also oppose his political views. At one time I would have said being an uncivil boorish oaf, but Trump’s popularity undercuts that argument.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

If I were asked any question that’s even slightly personal or intrusive, I’d be inclined to respond with, “That’s none of your business.”

Haleth's avatar

I smoke weed, and they’d probably dig up my fanfiction at some point. :D

ibstubro's avatar

I’m a non-millionaire.

I’d have to build all that “groundswell” stuff.

I have the time, but….

rojo's avatar

Being Jesus evidently.

Ok, ok, it’s a little dated but still relevant

majorrich's avatar

Always being completely and unapologetically truthful. And not very diplomatic in the delivery.

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