Why can't most people focus on a single task, we seem to be horribly distracted these days, why?
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September 9th, 2015
Is it these wonder gadgets that keep us all connected, or is it something else, I see people distracted driving, I hear people talk about being distracted at work, or school, why cant most people focus on anything anymore, is it technology advancements, or something else?
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10 Answers
All that you alluded to only means we have a huge amount of electronic distractions and a whole lot less down time and face time with real people, friends and family. Why I love that I now have a lake house to sequester myself and guests away from the distractions of TV, WiFi and cell phones.
I will answer you after the news.~
@Cruiser Maybe the lack of down time is a reason for the distractions?
Ya know I got an unexpected week off work,and a couple of years ago I would have had a fit not working, now I think it’s great been golfing almost everyday with a retired old friend and haven’t felt this relaxed in years.
maybe we are so busy with all our responsibilities ,and our gadgets we have so little time to just sit back and let the world go round type thing.hence all the distractions.
Whoa! Where did this question come from??
Our culture has been designed to flood people with a constant barrage of false choices: call this person or that person; post to Facebook or Twitter; buy this brand of toothpaste or that brand of toothpaste; watch this sit-com or that sit-com; vote for this party or that party; and so forth, ad nauseum. This is to prevent people from making true choices.
There is a pattern which underlies both our lives and the Universe. It is sometimes called the Tao. There is no fate, no destiny, but there is a golden path – the Tao – in which we become passive in our own nature and life becomes effortless as we recognize intuitively how to manifest our truest selves. On the other hand, it is always possible to willingly step off the Tao and invite trouble into our lives. We do this because there’s no such thing as a problem without a gift for us in its hands and we want those gifts. In this case, we can make a existential choice in which we knowingly and freely trade pain for wisdom, building the force of our Will to Power.
Regardless of whether one chooses the path of the Tao or the path of the Ubermensch, it requires true choice. Since people capable of manifesting either Tao or Will are dangerous to the Powers that Be, our society is filled with a constant and never-ending flood of distractions.
It’s all that shit that’s in the water.
I think it’s because we do things we don’t want to do so much of the day. We constantly try to sneak in things we want to do.
Nice answer there JLeslie.
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