Social Question

Do you find yourself analyzing buildings you pass for defensibility during the zombie apocalypse?
When I’m on long walks, I often find myself mentally examining buildings I pass for their potential usefulness as a base or source of supplies during the zombie apocalypse. I’ll make mental notes of buildings with bars on the windows and steel security doors as good places to head when the undead shit hits the fan. Sometimes I’ll ask myself, “If cars suddenly start smashing into each other and howling zoombies come storming down the street this very second, what will you do? Where will you run for cover? What will you grab as a weapon?”
I was in a drug store recently as they were preparing to close up, and they were dragging a steel security grating across the entrance. I pointed out to the cashier that this building would be a good place to hole up during the zombie apocalypse, with plenty of food and medicine, no windows, a security door in the back, and a big steel grate to protect the front plate glass windows. I thought she might think I was crazy, but instead she nodded thoughtfully as she realized I was right – presumably updating her “best places to seek cover when World War Z starts” list in her head.
Does anyone else do this?