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anniereborn's avatar

Do you know any TV shows that refurbish historical houses?

Asked by anniereborn (15569points) September 11th, 2015

I don’t watch much TV, so I am out of the loop. There is a mansion in our town that has gone to ruin. I so very much want it saved and thought there might be some kind of show that does that.

This mansion was built during the 1860s and was once gorgeous.
Long story short it needs a ton of renovation. It is currently up for sale. The sale price isn’t high, but the cost to fix it back up would be.

Any suggestions on TV shows I could submit it to?

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29 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Check out HGTV or one of the channels in that neighborhood. They have a few shows along those lines.

anniereborn's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe There are some great shows on there, but it looks like you have to be the owner of said home :(

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

What country is this in?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@anniereborn True, but if you’re looking to preserve some historical building you might be able to set up a non profit organization to take on ownership. I’m guessing there are some grants out there to help with the costs.
Or talk to a historical society or a conservancy of some kind.

anniereborn's avatar

Oh, sorry, this is in the US, in the state of Illinois.

Cruiser's avatar

DIY Network has this show.
YouTube has some nice videos to watch.
This Old House also has some television episodes on projects they did.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Thanks @anniereborn.

The emotional connection to the building needs to be put on the back burner. The first question needs to be, “Is the structure still sound?” If it isn’t, there is little hope in preserving it. If it is, or only minor repairs are needed, even if the interior needs to be gutted, then there is a chance.

It might be best to start with reaching out to the closest historical society. The one in my hometown has done wonders for saving historic buildings. Several have been converted into B&Bs, a library, and new shops.

You may find a television show that expresses interest on the front end, but it will require back-up for its success founded on a realistic goal, support from the community and local funding.

zenvelo's avatar

@Cruiser nailed it (pun intended).

This is exactly what This Old House does, I would reach out to them through PBS.

msh's avatar

To give yourself some time to research, garner some help, etc. have thought to get a ‘Historical Landmark’ status for this property? No one can then tear it down nor damage it once this has been achieved. Not sure of process nor what qualifies, but worth a look. Just a thought-
Good luck!

chyna's avatar

Rehab Addict
If you go to the HGTV website, there is a place on their front page where you can click on shows then about halfway down is a place to click to be on one of their shows.

jca's avatar

I was thinking of Rehab Addict too. I think she buys the houses and flips them, after renovating them.

JLeslie's avatar

Rehab Addict me three.

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Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

You can’t submit an American house to these but they might interest you.

Restoration Home. This is the sixth episode but you’ll be able to find others.

Country House Rescue is another series that discusses renovations to mansions.

Beeny’s Restoration Nightmare.

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dappled_leaves's avatar

Sounds like This Old House to me. They might be interested in the project, though it might depend on how keen the owners are to work with them.

anniereborn's avatar

It’s currently up for sale. So, no owners as of yet. I didn’t know if there were any shows where they purchased a place and then fixed it up. The daughter of the last owner (from the 1930s) is the one selling it. She let it go to ruin over the past 15 years and it’s just sat there. It’s not inhabitable right now.

chyna's avatar

That is what Rehab Addict does.

anniereborn's avatar

Thank you everyone who replied with your answers. I have lots of places to check out now!

anniereborn's avatar

By the way….this is the house, if you are curious.

chyna's avatar


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