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talljasperman's avatar

Are depressed people trying to sleep off ability score damage?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 11th, 2015

From Dungeons & Dragons ability score damage wiki. Sorry that I don’t know how to make a link with my smartphone.

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4 Answers

jerv's avatar

In most systems, ability score damage doesn’t heal on it’s own.
In real life, depression doesn’t heal itself.

Depending on the game, you may need spells, potions, medical assistance and the like to recover from crippling wounds, physical or mental. The same applies IRL, only we have no spells and potions are replaced with pills.

wsxwh111's avatar

I think if you think you are available for therapy, it should be the first thing you may want to try now;
if not, then keeping other daily things(such as eating, sleeping, etc) working fine while trying to deal with ability score damage according to medical advice(if no doctor, then some self-help advice online) may help.
Getting away from being depressed is a process and journey, good luck

ZEPHYRA's avatar

In my case it is purely either lack of energy as I literally cannot keep my eyes open, or escape from reality. It is complicated but certainly not laziness!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all Thanks

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