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SQUEEKY2's avatar

If you found yourself financially secure enough to retire right now, would you?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) September 13th, 2015

Or would you still do the work thing?
Afraid you would be bored, or restless?
Myself even though I like my job, would hand in my notice this second if I knew I could retire comfortably, would you?

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21 Answers

Jaxk's avatar

I did but I kept the store to keep an income. The best of both worlds.

Cruiser's avatar

To quote Sarah Palin….“You betcha”! Working is an excuse to get out of the house and keeps me razor sharp!

josie's avatar

I would keep working.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m retired for the most part at age 54.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yes! I would probably do a bit of freelance work now and then, but that would be it. If I had the means, I would find ways to keep myself busy. To tell the truth, I would not blurt it out because other hard-working people who are older and overworked would look at a younger person sideways!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Cruiser sorry your answer is a tad confusing” You Betcha” you would stay working that is what I am getting or you betcha I would retire??

filmfann's avatar

2 years ago I was faced with the choice of retiring, or having my company remove $60,000 from my retirement account. I chose retirement, figuring that the $60K would pay for my first year off.
I have not regretted it. I worked for them for 36 years, and that was enough.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good for you @filmfann , I meet people that say oh they would be just to bored, guess they are not home owners, or have any hobbies, if I even hinted I was bored Mrs Squeeky would have a 17page honey do list in my hands in under 15 seconds.

Cruiser's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 My apologies….to clarify I will work till the day I die as I can fish and type on my lap top at the same time.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Cruiser thanks for making that clear.

Silence04's avatar

I don’t know if I’d keep “working,” but I would have some serious hobbies.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The thing is that I just can’t seem to adjust to the idea that I’m old. I’ve been telling people that I’m old since I was 40, yet to this day I always forget to take advantage of senior discounts and the unbelievable variety of perks out here thrown at seniors. It’s annoying. Everyone from my doctor through the wife cringe when I talk about quitting for fear that I’ll devolve into living in front of the tube and old movies while rotting away at fluther. There seems to be no compromise. You know the worst thing about working while all of your friends are retired? It’s that they make the assumption that you too are loaded up with lots of spare time. The wife has cut her schedule to 3 days a week and has a job she loves yet pays too much for her to qualify for social security. She loves it that the house is always full of giggling women quilting and working jigsaw puzzles. I’d like to bitch about it, but between them and the seemingly endless herd of houseguests, I wisely figured out that were they to vanish, I would surely be expected to take up the slack. So the job is about more than merely “bringing home the bacon”. It’s also (like fluther) an escape.

JLeslie's avatar

I didn’t work for about 5 years and for the most part I loved it. After a while I missed interacting with people, and after a while some people started to view me as just a wife not even able to have a career. That became a little annoying.

If my husband and I were given enough money to be financially secure with room to even lose some of it and still be financially secure, I think he would dump his job and we would try some business that hopefully would make money and would be fun.

If the money was just enough to feel like we probably can make it until we die, but if something unexpected happened we might be right on money in our old age, we’d probably still keep working at something.

The question is a little tricky since my husband starts a new job Monday and he is very excited about it. I have a feeling he would want to try the job at least for a while before saying he would leave. Back in the day when he loved his job he used to say if he won the lottery he would keep working. Then years later he had a job he want as happy in and was ready to quit at a moments notice.

I need at least $10 million and I’m ready for us to quit everything and feel secure. Although, as I said I doubt we would completely quit working altogether. $3 million and I’m ready to take a risk and pursue our dream. Less than that would still be welcome and helpful, but not life changing in that I wouldn’t feel secure for the rest of my life not to work.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’d keep working at this point. Staying home all day is way too boring. I need some stimulation. Maybe the piano player in a brothel?

Judi's avatar

We did. We still have to make an appearance once a month but retirement is divine.

Coloma's avatar

Absolutely, but not going to happen, short of winning the lottery. I have enough creative zip that I could happily stay busy engaging in all sorts of past times and travel and a lot of porch sitting and sunset watching as well.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I keep checking with my husband whether I can retire yet. Really though, while I’d like to work less than I do and have less pressure, I can’t see me not working. I actually like the work I do. So I’d probably try to move to a more part-time situation.

tedibear's avatar

I would retire from my current job in a New York minute. Then I would do some of the things that interest me, but don’t do because my work leaves me mentally & emotionally drained.

cookieman's avatar

It’s a nice fantasy, but no. I’d be too restless. I would work exclusively freelance though.

As it stands in reality, there will be no retiring. Likely to drop dead at work.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I hope, if things go right I will partly retire at 60, and fully retire at 65.

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