Scrabble ethics? (Nice guy or not?)
Situation: I was winning handily last night – no danger that my opponent was going to win. The game was in the bag.
I had two letters left; she had 3. Almost the end of the game.
I could have put my two letters down (I think they were R and E) next to the D and made the word RED. Four points. Whooppidee-doo.
Or I could have put by R and E on top of an existing word (let’s say, for the sake of argument, it was ZONE), making the word REZONE. At least 15 points and maybe more.
The game is going to end, and I am going to win, no matter where I put the R E.
What’s the ethical thing to do? Demurely get 4 points? Or get a much higher point count just because I could?
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33 Answers
I guess it depends on how good a sport your opponent is, but me, I always go for the best score I can. That’s the point of the game and anyone who plays it knows that.
It definitely depends on the opponent. I’d need more info on that to determine.
I don’t see ethics as entering into it. It’s a game in which you try to get the most points you can. Unless you are playing with a child or someone you deem very fragile; go for the points.
^^@janbb Your first sentence contradicts your last sentence, doesn’t it?
@dxs Sorta but I guess I don’t see the last sentence as a question of ethics but more like kindness. And the OP didn’t mention mitigating circumstances. But I see your point.
If it’s someone you sleep with or want to sleep with, go for the lower points.
@chyna – everything devolves to sex….
The object of the game is to get points.
Go for the points.
If it doesn’t matter, Why keep score? Go for the points!
It really depends on the skill level of the opponent. Generally speaking, though, I’d go for the gold.
Actually, this is something you must decide upon by gauging the relative skill and temperament of your opponent. Ordinarily I would say maximize the score. That’s the point of the game, second only to winning. Everyone’s different, but I would want and expect my opponent to do the same. It isn’t a case of “rubbing it in”. However, if you are aware that you clearly outclass your opponent in scrabble skills, there’s little satisfaction to be derived from humiliating them, and such boorish behavior would be in bad taste. And I really get a kick out of wringing my hands and complaining when little kids “beat me” at scrabble. The delight on their sadistic little faces when they beat me out of the cookies is priceless! I love playing card and board games with kids.
@stanleybmanly – great answer.
“sadistic little faces” .... best line of the week, and it’s only Monday.
I think it would be better for her to lose from a smart guy than from some douchebag that didn’t even see the option for 15 points staring up from the board. :-)
Do not insult your opponent with false pity.
Hey…challenge me. You won’t ever feel the need to “take pity” on me!
Be in the game. If you are playing with someone you consider an equal person, have enough respect for them to play an honest game. I would lose respect (and some liking) for someone who dumbed down their strategy for me.
If, as @janbb suggests, the person is a child, or emotionally fragile, or impaired in some way, revise your approach, but any such scenario was not covered in the details.
What @canidmajor said. Do you respect this woman as an equal? If so, don’t treat her as you would a small child.
Conversely, if she is the sort of person who expects you to pretend that you are a worse player than you are, I’m not sure why you’re wasting your time.
Well, since strip scrabble is a game of chance where the type and amount of clothing removed is based on the point system and since you never know who will win the next hand, I say go for it all.
Remember, nice guys finish naked. Or not. Maybe it is bad boys finish naked. I can’t recall.
STRIP SCRABBLE?? I missed something!
Hey, all’s fair in love, war and Scrabble. I’d go for the highest scoring word I could get. We should never diminish our skills to appease another. lol
It is, after all, only a game, and anyone that gets mad over a game, especially a well played game has some growing up to do.
Years ago my ex husband and I used to have Monopoly tournaments with out old real estate agent that became a friend. This guy would get so upset if he didn’t win, it was really rather comical, he’d get up and go home within minutes of the game ending and it was obvious he was truly upset. haha
I just enjoyed the reverie and a few cocktails, however…I am ALWAYS the doggy, do not touch Toto!
My ex and I were at a barbque at a coworker’s house one Saturday. They had a ping pong table. I’m a good ping pong player. I beat my husband in best out of 5.
Then an 8 year old kid stepped up to the table. My EX played his best, pretending like he was in they Olympics or something, and just wiped the floor with the kid.
I later said, “Man, you should have eased up! He’s only 8!”
He puffed his chest out and said, “I don’t go easy on nobody!” He seemed very proud of that.
Reason #543 that he’s my ex.
You don’t say if your partner ever played this game before or not. Or if this game was even one the person would ever choose to buy or own?
You knew what you should’ve done- why are you asking here?
Sounds like everyone would beat the living s*** out of anyone stupid enough to play board games with them. Or any game for that matter.
And if most forged ahead feeding that giant ego: ” I deserve to win with as many points as I possibly can!!!! Because I’m wonderful!!! ”
Phooey on ya.
Survival of the fittest? For a freaking board game- or the like? Seriously?
Competative, much?
Winning with grace.
Conquering everything to prove…... nothing.
^^^ A bit too deep for this question, IMO.
I’d likely just do the lower points if it isn’t some sort of tournament where you are tracking points over a series of games. Usually, I don’t throw games in any sort of a way, but for the last move in a game I won by a landslide, just lay the letters down anywhere I think.
I played canasta with my MIL last night and she was killing me. By the last hand she had the game in the bag (we play to 5,000, she had about 4600 and I had around 850!) but we went ahead and played the hand on the outside chance I might catch up. By the middle of the hand she had “won” no way got me to catch up. We still played until one of us went out. After the hand I just gathered up all
of my cards to start putting them away. I joked telling my husband she beat me badly. All smiles, we always enjoy playing cards. She said, “you’re not going to count them?” I replied, “you won.” She said, “but we won’t know by how much.” Seriously? I just find that very odd. Why does it matter? She killed it. Whether she won by 4,000 or 3,950 doesn’t matter, does it?
OTOH, it’s pretty flukey to get a good play with the last few letters in Scrabble (or WWF). I’d probably go for it just for the oddity of it.
Nope, I don’t, Dutchess III
@Dutchess_III Competitive I guess? In my family if it’s hopeless we wouldn’t even necessarily finish the hand. We would get to starting a new game, or in the case of last night go to sleep. It was late, I was already starting to close my eyes sitting up. Lol.
Aww-man- that’s when they look at the cards in your hand!
Took me awhile to catch on to them too!
I would go for the points. If I every beat my wife at scrabble I would want it to be by a large so she can’t say it was just a fluke. I’ll never beat her at it though.
My opponent was my sister – I didn’t want her to feel discouraged.
What did I do? I put down the lower point (4) word, which made me feel gracious, even though she has no inkling of what a wonderful brother I am. (grin)
@elbanditoroso Well, you get points for being a wonderful brother then!
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