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talljasperman's avatar

Does the Reagan library have any books in it?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 16th, 2015

Watching CNN before the GOP debate and I don’t see any books. Where are they?

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14 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

You can’t go there and check out a book to read on the beach.

The library/museum houses Reagan’s personal papers dating back to when he was Governor of California. It includes all his speeches, and all of the audio and visual recordings that could be kept.

gorillapaws's avatar

Someone should hang this up on the wall.

Cruiser's avatar

@gorillapaws ^^That made me laugh out loud! lol

Pachy's avatar

Wonder if there’s a shelf of old Reagan movies.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@gorillapaws that’s priceless.

JLeslie's avatar

We call the Presidential museums, libraries. The word museum and library are used almost synonymously in this particular case. Here is a link with all the libraries/museums.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Well a library is simply a collection/archive of information. The term itself doesn’t necessarily imply books specifically, or the ability to take materials from the library.

msh's avatar

Thanks, I needed that!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Did Reagan know how to read?

Seriously – I’ve been there. Much of the library is filled with archives – box after box of his papers, decisions, all of the behind-the-scenes paperwork that any office makes, but in this case some portion of it is classified.

There is a fairly small collection of books, But as someone above wrote, it’s a library for researchers doing work on Reagan and his administration, and not the type of library where you go and charge things out.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Reagan could obviously read a script, so he was technically literate.

msh's avatar

That’s not what the chimp said of his work in the film: Bedtime For Bongo.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Eh, Reagan didn’t need to read, he delegated his entire presidency to others. He was basically just a figurehead who looked and sounded good to the American public.

(Yeah, I know that’s the same criticism a lot of Republicans level at Barack Obama. But bear in mind that for all their snide remarks about him being the “Hollywood president” and the “celebrity-in-cheif” they are, thus far, the only party that’s actually picked a Hollywood celebrity for the presidency.)

Strauss's avatar

@Darth_Algar _ the only party that’s actually picked a Hollywood celebrity for the presidency_

…and then they canonized him! St. Ronald of the Ray-Gun!

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