What would your Secret Service code name be if you became President of the United States?
Asked by
Cruiser (
September 17th, 2015
During last nights Republican debate they were asked this and here are their answers…
Chris Christie: “True Heart”
John Kasich: “Unit One”
Carly Fiorina: “Secretariat”
Scott Walker: “Harley”
Jeb Bush: “Ever-Ready”
Donald Trump: “Humble”
Ben Carson: “One Nation”
Ted Cruz: “Cohiba”
Marco Rubio: “Gator”
Mike Huckabee: “Duck Hunter”
Ron Paul: “Justice Never Sleeps
So Mr., Ms President….what would be your SS code name?
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58 Answers
The first one that came to mind was “Tricky Dicky’ but that has already been used.
well, if it couldn’t be “filmfann”…
Zipper Chest? I recently had bypass surgery.
Bubbles (for my love of champagne, which I’d likely have to curtail under the heavy mantle of the presidency)
@janbb I would have guessed Opus or Tennessee Tuxedo!
My intentions are good.
My methods can be controversial.
I cannot pass up a thrift shop.
Pointing the Country in the right direction.
DOOFUS (Dread Overlord OF the United States)
^^You seem to be practicing already!
Irukanji (or PAG President After God)
Oh, it would be Love for me. I would laugh every time they would have to say that Love entered the building, or who has Love. The possibilities are endless.
The Engineer. (That was also the code name for a Hamas terrorist. killed about 20 years ago so the name is probably available.)
I think mine would scare the shit out of the Secret Service: The Wanderer.
Jeez, nothing like advertising, Mr. Cruz. I mean Mr.Cohiba, sir. Why don’t you just take a full page add out in People Magazine bragging about possessing illegal Cuban cigars?
@Espiritus_Corvus Ted Cruz, The Great Canadian Hope, thinks of himself as a Cuban phallic symbol.
Carly’s nickname is Secretariat? Isn’t that sexist? I am assuming it is a reference to her horse face
Well, I haven’t seen you claim it, so I think I might be Cruiser. (It fits, anyway, because that’s how I like to sail these days. Not so much Racer any more.)
Sigmund Freud: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Monica: Yeah, right.
@CWOTUS Actually mine would be Stratocaster….my most favorite inanimate object in the world!
Um, Wait I’m not ready yet!
Kitten (due to my kittenish demeanor).
OK. did anyone READ the names they picked for themselves? Where some of them TRYING to parody themselves? Scott Walker choosing a company that has unionised labour is rich, and Trump? Are you kidding me? He was surely taking the piss.
I think I would insist on the code name ‘All Hope’. That way, they’d have to say, ‘All Hope’ has left the White House. We repeat, All Hope is gone.’
Ah, some of them WERE taking the piss out of themselves, I just watched the clip.
Ok….let’s take @Pandora ‘s lead, have some fun and come up with SS Code names that would be hilarious to hear over the SS lapel microphones. I would offer up “Stinky feet”
SS…“heads up…Stinky feet has arrived” “Who’s got Stinky feet?” “I’ve got Stinky feet!”
Imagine if they lost me! They’d have to say, ‘All Hope is lost!’ just gets better and better.
“Cool cat has left the building.”
Thank ya. Thank ya very much.
If you want funny, Larry Wilmore and his crew came up with some really funny ones.
I’m on my old iPhone and can’t do links but maybe someone can hunt up a YouTube clip.
A few I can remember offhand:
Ben Carson was “Mumbles McGoo”
Christy was dubbed “Logjam”
Jeb ! Was “Black Friday” because someone said “he’s the discount Bush.”
Can’t remember the rest but maybe someone can find a clip.
Thanks for that link. Hope folks enjoy it.
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