Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Does Donald Trump have $100 million in liquid assets?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 18th, 2015

What is he selling to raise that on his own?

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5 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I don’t think he is selling anything….yet. This article claims he has $302 million in liquid assets.

Though he claims to be worth more about $8.7 billion, most of his assets are tied up in illiquid real estate and licensing deals that can’t be easily converted to campaign cash. His liquid assets amount to about $302 million,

Pachy's avatar

A hundred million or however his assets don’t begin to offset his deficits.

Cruiser's avatar

@Pachy Assets minus liabilities = net worth of any of us.

The Donald has a net worth of $4.5 billion. His annual salary for Celebrity Apprentice is $60 million.

zenvelo's avatar

@Cruiser I think @Pachy was referring to Trump’s personality deficits, which can never be overcome even if he is a rich as Croesus.

Cruiser's avatar

@zenvelo A hundred million vs 4.5 billion is (to quote the Donald) a HUGE difference but as @Pachy intended….no amount of money will make up for his buffoonery.

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