What shall I do with all this free time?
Asked by
cookieman (
September 19th, 2015
from iPhone
For the past two years, between work and grad school, I have been working 80–100 hours a week, 6–7 days a week. It’s been crazy.
Soon though (5-weeks), I will have graduated with my masters and, in addition, my job has announced they are closing. The company has contracted me to stick around another two-ish years to help with the close out, but my workload will be drastically reduced. Maybe about 20 hours a week.
So, my fellow jellies, I come asking for some fun, interesting, and sincere suggestions — what shall I do with all this free time??
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15 Answers
Volunteer, join a hiking group, tutor, DIY work at home if you have the inclination, gym, reading and so much more.
Spend more time with your kids. Build stuff. Time with family. Hike a bit. Time with friends. Read all sorts of frivolous stuff. Time with cousins. Cook really wonderful food. Feed all of the aforementioned people with whom you should be spending all that time. :-)
Volunteer. It’s a great way to get to know people, get them to know who you are and your situation, and maybe get some referrals and ideas. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. I got the job I have now because I started as a volunteer. People then got to know me and made suggestions as to what I should do, and I got a letter of reference from the volunteering, and between the suggestions and the letter (plus some effort on my part, of course) voila.
I’d also suggest exercising. Walk in the woods, walk around the track, etc.
Since you are a graphic artist, do you like doing art for yourself? Maybe set up a studio in your house?
Are you planning to get another job? Looking for one might take up all your free time. After all, you don’t have to stay for the two years.
If you are so inclined, join a Unitarian or other church. You’ll find plenty of activities and volunteer work through them. I have.
And dare I suggest bake cookies?
Write a novel. Learn an instrument. Volunteer in your community.
Great question, I’m kinda in a similar situation except I prefer being around people. I’m thinking about traveling or learning about some kinds of arts. Gotta keep eye on this question. 0 -
Savor this time and don’t waste it. The same thing has basically happened to me, left grad school and left a demanding high-stress job. I’m down to 40 hour weeks and not 70+. I’m mountain biking or hiking about every other day and spending more time with family.
Spend some time on yourself: learn to meditate, take up yoga. Spend more time with your family as a family: take a fall getaway weekend during the week.
If you’re not a cook, experiment and learn. If you do know how to cook, tackle some new projects and expand your skills.
Get back in touch with all those long-lost friends, both local and distant. You think about and miss them, and they’ll be delighted to hear from you. In some instances, you’ll find that you’ve grown apart, lost your bonds, and have no reason to keep in touch. In many instances, however, you’ll regain a relationship.
Whatever you want, don’t just sit around family time is nice.
I would personally like to see more of your photography.
There is always internet porn. Just sayin’
Take a class at your local community college or, if you have enough self-discipline, take a MOOC.
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