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Berserker's avatar

Any fans of Tintin here?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) September 20th, 2015

Tintin, the intrepid young reporter who travels the world, fights crime, always with his trusty dog and eventually, his best friend Captain Haddock.

My dad had those comic books as a kid, and when I was a kid I read them over and over again. I’ve recently decided to get my own collection since my dad’s old comic books are long gone.

They’re still as entertaining as they always were. The first couple of books are a joke, but Tintin, his friends and enemies, as well as the environment evolve into a real saga. I read them all in French, but they have been printed in over 70 languages. So, are there fans here?

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28 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

I wonder what the percentage of Americans are who ever heard of Tintin? I’d bet that there are 10 people who recognize the name Tintin with Rin in front of it for every one familiar with the French guy.

Berserker's avatar

If Spielberg’s a fan, it mustn’t be that obscure.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Ask the next American you meet under 40 years of age ” who is Tintin?”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I love the Tintin comics, saw the movie as well.

Berserker's avatar

They’re supposed to make a second movie, I’m curious which of the comics they’re gonna base it on.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

tsss tsss I prefer leadlead

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I love Tintin, especially his relationship with Yeti!

In case anyone cares, it isn’t pronounced “Tin-tin.” It’s the French nasal vowel that’s difficult to transliterate in English but is close to “Teyh-teyh.”

Berserker's avatar

@Michael_Huntington Damn you, I actually looked that up. “shakes fist”

@Love_my_doggie Yeah haha. I also liked the big gorilla from The Black Island.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

US here. Tin Tin didn’t crop up on the radar until my British bloke decided to learn French. He was familiar with the cartoon already and decided to use it as a supplement to his education.

A couple of years ago, we purchased a glazed tile of Tin Tin and Snowy that is on a wall in our kitchen.

ragingloli's avatar

I am more of a Detective Conan kind of person.

rojo's avatar

I have a vague recollection of Tintin from the mid 1960’s but about that time we moved to the US and we lost touch. If I recall correctly, I was a much bigger fan of Bill and Ben the Flower Pot men.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yep! My kids loved them. We still have them somewhere in the house.

marinelife's avatar

I love Tintin and Snowy!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline Never heard of him till your question. Thanks, I’ll keep looking.

dappled_leaves's avatar

It’s a little harder to appreciate them as entertainment when reading as an adult, because a lot of the content is driven by colonialism and racism (this was early twentieth century Belgium, after all). Nostalgia comes at a price, sometimes.

Here’s an article discussing these issues if anyone is interested. They are such perennial favourites that a lot of hand-wringing goes on over whether they should still be read.

Berserker's avatar

Yup, this one thing I noticed about the first two books; how blacks are depicted, needless slaughter of wild life, other things. I didn’t think about it as a kid, but last week when I read them I was like, holy shit. In later issues they actually re drew, and re wrote, some of the material. (but the ones I bought are intact)

But I guess things never change. For example, two video games, Resident Evil 5 and Dead Island got blasted by the media for stuff ingame that seemed borderline racist. Tintin gets bashed now, even though it’s decades old. Debate on this only exists because the offense was not intentional. But I guess this still makes me an asshole for reading them haha.

Berserker's avatar

I’m currently reading The Blue Lotus, and it takes place in Shanghaï. A Chinese dude bumps into a white European guy, and the white guy goes apeshit, starts beating the crap out of the Chinese man, going on about the superiority of the white race and all. Then Tintin butts in and defends the Chinese man.
If Hergé is a product of his times, then he was bold to make Tintin stand up for the Chinese man, if, indeed, people back then acted like that, or thought that the Chinese were all savages. But of course that goes unnoticed, people just concentrate on all the bad stuff.

Reminds me of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, where people went nuts due to a minigame in the game where you have sex with a girl. You can control your movements and speed and all. This, for one, was actually taken out of the game before release, but people went apeshit when someone cracked the game and exposed the scene. Two, you could have only unlocked this scene, had it remained in the game, by treating your girl right. Buy her flowers, take her out on dates, what have you. People went apeshit for an unreleased scene that promoted good and thoughtful actions, but the rest of the game where you steal cars, beat prostitutes and shoot innocent civilians is ok.

This shit really gets on my tits.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I know him! But not through comics, rather though cartoons. When I was a kid cartoons adapted from Belgian comics were very popular. They broadcast the cartoons about famous Belgian characters like Tintin, Spirou, Smurft… At that time no kid who loved cartoons knew nothing about those characters. But actually Tintin was less popular than others characters, because he got less time on TV (I remember his episodes were only shown once). Other characters had more time on TV, and the ones with the most time were Lucky Luke and Spirou.

I liked Tintin though. I loved the fact that he went to so many places in the world. As a kid I loved watching things about exotic adventure. I also loved the dog with his funny commentary. But I guess I prefered Spirou. He also got into adventure too, but there was more humor in his stories, although he traveled less than Tintin.

Anyway, the original Tintin is still much better than the shitty recent remake.

ucme's avatar

I love the ginger fucker, read the comics, watched the animated series as a kid & enjoyed Spielberg’s film.
Still love Astetix more though, he literally kicked all kinds of arse.

Berserker's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Lucky Luke rules! I like him too. :)
I thought the Tintin movie was actually great. It was very faithful to the specific comics it based itself on.

@ucme Aye aye old mate, I fucking love Astérix. Probably my favorite French comic series. I’d like to start a collection of those as well, but almost thirty pops per book, and twenty plus books, no easy feat, that.
The artist is still making books, too. He’s a great artist, but since the story writer died, the books just aren’t as good. :/

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline You can get the Asterix books at our local library, i’ve gotten half a dozen a month at a time & all free of charge…libraries still have their uses.

Berserker's avatar

Right, I’m no stranger to the library, that’s how I read most Astérixes and Lucky Lukes. lol

But ees a material werld an ahma material she-dawg.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Our library has awesome book sales. Bring in a bag as big as you want and fill it for $2.00.

Berserker's avatar

Ours too, but they never sell any comics. Not that I’ve seen. Get lots of books at the goodwill place though, including comics sometimes.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I haven’t look for comics, but they sell everything else. I’ll look next time.

Berserker's avatar

I want some Archie comics, too. Jughead ftw, goddamn!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Okay, if I can’t find you a pillow I’ll see what I can do on comics.

rojo's avatar

If you like fun comics along the likes of the Far Side I would recommend Tundra by Chad Carpenter.

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