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talljasperman's avatar

How much would it cost to buy a treasure chest filled with Canadian quarters and other coins and metal ingots?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) September 20th, 2015

To pretend that I am a pirate with treasure.

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16 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

How large would the treasure chest be?

10” x 10” would hold significantly less than 2’ x 3’

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Like @elbanditoroso explained depends on the size of chest, and what kind of metals you want the ingots to be.

talljasperman's avatar

@elbanditoroso A chest that wouldn’t weigh more than 100 lbs full of quarters. A standard chest the same size of a hope chest .

Cruiser's avatar

Seeing that a Canadian quarter weighs .15 ounces so that gives us about 106 quarters to a pound x’ 100 lbs is 10,666 quarters that at a $.25 each would cost you $2,666.66 to fill your Pirates Booty Chest.

kritiper's avatar

If the chest was 10’ X 10’ X just over 100’, it would hold all the gold every found or mined on Earth. A little big, I know, but you didn’t specify how big the chest was. It would be very heavy as well since gold is 19.3 (approx.) times heavier than water.

talljasperman's avatar

@kritiper I just want a standard pirate treasure chest for my apartment.

Berserker's avatar

If you can pretend you’re a pirate, can’t you just pretend that you have treasure?

talljasperman's avatar

@Symbeline That is why I’m using quarters and not real treasure. I need some place to put my change.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline Excellent answer. Just get some fake currency and throw it in the chest. Less risk of larceny too.

Berserker's avatar

All my change goes into an old ass water jug. It might actually be worth something, now that I think of it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline That’s a good way to save up bucks. Throw the change in something each day and it starts to add up. Or maybe the old ass water jug is worth something.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, the change does come in handy often, especially for busfare.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I throw mine in my desk and if I get hungry or thirsty we have vending machines downstairs.

SmashTheState's avatar

I just checked my local Kijiji and I can get a small wooden chest, 18” x 12” x 12.5”, for $30. Let’s say an additional $20 for spray paint to add an aged patina. It holds approximately 1.5 cubic feet in volume, and a quick Google search tells me this will hold about 30,000 quarters, worth $7500 CDN which is about $5600 US. It will also weigh about 350 pounds. But let’s say we toss in some nickels in there as well, and we could probably cut that down to half the cost. If you’re just going for appearance, you could eliminate 90% of the volume by building a raised bottom and hiding it under a layer of glued coins. I estimate you could make a “treasure chest” like this for between $300 and $400, coins included. For metal bars, buy styrofoam and use metallic spraypaint or gold leaf.

If you really want something like this, send me a PM and I can probably make it for you for a reasonable price.

zenvelo's avatar

Around $2000 in whatever currency quarter you use.

I use a Three Bean Coffee brand tall can, about ten inches tall, about 5 inches in diameter,(so roughly 195 cubic inches) and throw my change in there. It is mostly quarters, but nickels dimes and pennies too. When it is full, I convert to gift cards, and get about $150 US out of it.

Compare that to the 2700 cubic inches for teh chest @SmashTheState recommends, that would be 13 times bigger, so in the neighborhood of $2,000.

I think it would be too heavy to lift by yourself though.

kritiper's avatar

Let’s say your treasure chest has a capacity of four (4) cubic feet of space in it. One (1) cubic foot of gold weighs 1100 lbs. A standard ingot of gold weighs 78 lbs. Your chest of quarters, in my estimation, would weigh, roughly, 800 lbs.

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