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longgone's avatar

Can you recommend a game for two?

Asked by longgone (19921points) September 21st, 2015

My sister and I play Scrabble mostly, and we’d like to mix it up a little. Specifically, we’re looking for a fast game. Any ideas?

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30 Answers

dappled_leaves's avatar


talljasperman's avatar

Gin rummy. Checkers and chess.

marinelife's avatar

I was going to say Cribbage too. All you need is a cribbage board and a deck of cards.

If you two like word games, Boggle is a lot of fun.

ragingloli's avatar

Mortal Kombat.

longgone's avatar

I like the idea of Checkers. Chess is a game I love, but my sister doesn’t like it very much.

Carcassonne, I’m afraid, has been ruined for me. It is the only game I play with a couple of kids I babysit.

Cribbage sounds good, will look into that.

johnpowell's avatar

Are we talking games where you are actually in the same room and not on your phones?

My favorite game where both people are in the same room is Chinese Checkers.

longgone's avatar

^ Yes, we actually are in the same room, no phones involved. I know, archaic.

Thanks, that’s another good idea!

johnpowell's avatar

Chinese Checkers is great.. A game is under ten minutes if you aren’t playing with my grandma.

longgone's avatar

We usually play while dinner is cooking, so we almost always have an hour or so. Meaning, your grandma is very welcome to join us!

DoNotKnow's avatar


But really, you need to convince your sister that chess is fun. It is objectively the best game :)

johnpowell's avatar

OMFG OMFG… How could I forgotten the pig game that is the mainstay of every visit to my aunts house.

Pass the Pigs

longgone's avatar

@DoNotKnow Boggle looks fast, thanks! I agree, but she’s stubborn. Kids these days. ~

@johnpowell Oh, that game is good? My mum has it lying around somewhere, but I’ve never played it. I was always put off by the intensely pink pigs. I’ll have to ask her to look for it!

Cruiser's avatar

Backgammon is a great game to play that doesn’t take long at all.

janbb's avatar

A third vote for Boggle. Lots of fun and fast.

johnpowell's avatar

The pig game is so good. Dig it out and roll a Double Oinker.

kevbo's avatar

You can get a lot of mileage out of Qwirkle, and it’s a completely different brain workout than Scrabble.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@dappled_leaves and @marinelife, we should start a cribbage group. I was going to say cribbage too and my husband and I play Carcassonne sometimes. We haven’t for a while. We should get it out.

Backgammon is a good suggestion too.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Othello it is a fairly quick game that makes you think.

marinelife's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit Any time! My husband doesn’t play, and so I pine for it until I get home to my siblings for a visit.

Stinley's avatar

Yahtzy and Boggle both get my vote.
Mastermind is good too

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Badminton came to my mind first. I like active sports. Or throwing a baseball back and forth. I’d stay away from lawn darts. Fortunately it didn’t penetrate my skull.

longgone's avatar

Thanks, all. Plenty of food for thought, we’ll probably try quite a few of these! :]

Buttonstc's avatar

UNO is quite quick and all it takes is a deck of Uno cards. However, be aware that it’s mostly luck of the draw. Not too much strategy involved.

If you like something short and challenging, then BOGGLE fits the bill and comes with a 3 min. timer.

janbb's avatar

@Buttonstc OTOH If you like something short and challenging, there’s always me.

Buttonstc's avatar


I prefer beakless.

janbb's avatar

^^ A chacun son goute.

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