Meta Question

rojo's avatar

Don't you hate the Perfecto-fish award?

Asked by rojo (24187points) September 21st, 2015

It is like getting laid and being too drunk to remember. Maybe you had a good time, maybe you didn’t. Maybe you were magnificent, maybe you were adequate. Maybe you had a three way but maybe it was just with both hands.
Problem is you don’t know!!

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24 Answers

msh's avatar

Have a care when questionin’ the actions of the Fluther’s Grand Poobah- else ya be heave-ho’ed onto a passing frigate as a scalawag oarsman!
Or worse….tossed to the Gorton’s Fishers to have their way with ye!!!!!

longgone's avatar



Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I even love it because it reminds me that I’m always perfect ~

Cruiser's avatar

Hate is a pretty strong word I usually reserve for stand still-traffic jams and people who are late. I have never cared the least about the awards here I think they are a trivial at best aspect of being here.

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filmfann's avatar

Do I hate it? No. It reminds me that I am a writer.

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janbb's avatar

I explained what it was and was modded off; I don’t know why and have asked.

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Berserker's avatar

The fuckin 10 minute limit on correcting shit is what I abhor.

Cruiser's avatar

@Symbeline I wish I got ten minutes…I think I have barely got even 5!. They must be running out of Perfecto-fish awards.

thorninmud's avatar

[Mod says] Sorry for all the removals here, but hey, the whole fun of having “secret” awards is that they’re, well, secret!

dxs's avatar

YES! Yes. Yep. Definitely. I dispise it! Ehh…

janbb's avatar

@thorninmud You think you can keep secrets from Penguin Holmes? Ha!

josie's avatar

You mean it’s not an incentive?

filmfann's avatar

It’s not even a perfecto-fish!

keobooks's avatar

I think I get at least one perfecto fish a month. I have a whole aquarium full of them.

janbb's avatar

@keobooks Yeah – except some of my older ones ate the newbies.

Strauss's avatar

Mine seem to be multiplying like guppys guppies!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I agree with @Symbeline. The 10-minute rule shits me. I’ve lost count of how often I notice an error after that time has elapsed. Perfecto-fish is fine.

ucme's avatar

The awards, like the scoring system, are irrelevant fluff, pay no mind.

keobooks's avatar

If you really want those awards, Perfecto Fish is the easiest to get a ton of. Heck, once when I was on my phone, I got 3 or 4 in a row. I wasn’t t trying. My fingers are too big for the tiny keyboard.

Pachy's avatar

I know what it’s for and I like it.

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