General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Does the statue of liberty need to be polished? (Details inside )

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 22nd, 2015

She is made of copper and I believe wasn’t green to start and turned green from age. Can she be buffed and polished? To look more like copper?

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11 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yes, they could. Copper (when near oxygen) eventually makes the chemical copper oxide, which has a greenish color. That, and carbon in the atmosphere, eventually turn into copper carbonate. The copper carbonate actually protects the copper underneath from deterioration.

It’s unlikely that anyone will ever polish the Statue. First, because 100 years of tradition knows it as green, Second, that would actually weaken the statue by exposing raw copper, and finally because it would cost a hell of a lot to do.

josie's avatar

See @elbanditoroso

Correct answer. The patina protects the metal from corrosion and damage from other factors in the environment.

To polish the statue would be to hasten it being reclaimed by the elements.

Anyway, they knew it would turn green when they made it. It’s what they wanted. Why change it?

David_Achilles's avatar

That depends on how you look at it. From my point of view the green is beautiful and shows its age and its history. Verdigris, the color caused by oxidation is very desirable, just as desirable as the beauty of copper.

Check out this article that explains verdigris on Wikipedia. Who is the poster child?? The Statue of Liberty, of course.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I think that green becomes her. She’s beautiful just as she is.

Buttonstc's avatar

She CAN be polished but definitely does NOT NEED to be.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

rojo's avatar

I, personally, believe that the entire statue should be chrome plated so that she shines in the sun like a beacon of freedom to the entire world, welcoming all who come to her shores either documented or undocumented.

flutherother's avatar

It would weather better if moved to a warmer drier climate such as the Mexican border.

RocketGuy's avatar

@rojo – chrome would make her look like a Terminator.

@flutherother – Trump would have a fit about welcoming more Mexicans.

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stanleybmanly's avatar

You wouldnt want to do it anyway considering the crowded Northeast air corridor. Just think of the blinding effects from a gleaming object that size.

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