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rojo's avatar

Who is having and "End Times" party this Sunday Night?

Asked by rojo (24187points) September 25th, 2015

What with the Super Blood Moon and it being the fourth in the series and it falling on Sukkot and all that. How can anyone doubt the end times are upon us. Funny Article

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30 Answers

majorrich's avatar

We will be out in the desert to see this one. I hope the sky is clear enough to see it.

ibstubro's avatar

Yeah! A party from the cosmos!

Dutchess_III's avatar

AGAIN??!!! Sheesh.

Jaxk's avatar

The dead will rise. This is clearly the Zombie apocalypse. Party if you will but I’d stay inside, you know how those zombies love the dark.

Coloma's avatar

Well….sure will be a lot of animal zombies here at the ranch. Do herbivores become flesh eaters after they transform? lol
Consumed by a zombie donkey…oh joy.

ucme's avatar

Armageddon tired of hearing about this.

Jaxk's avatar

This time there’ll be no goodnight kiss,
This time is for ever,
This time I find that I’m…
Really losing you.

If I’m quoting Troy Shondell, I’m really bored.

Inara27's avatar

I can’t afford to buy that much alcohol. Again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Write a hot check! It won’t matter on Sunday.

filmfann's avatar

The World is ending? Then why did I just go through the whole open heart surgery thing?
I guess Saturday it’s open season on fried pork products.

sahID's avatar

@ucme LOL. Best. Answer. Ever.

reijinni's avatar

nothing, I’ll be gone by the time when it really arrives.

msh's avatar

It won’t happen again until 2033?
Or will ISIS block or destroy that also?

Stinley's avatar

It going to happen at 3am here so, much as I love astrological phenomenon, I think I’ll be asleep

ibstubro's avatar

I missed seeing it by about 15 minutes! We were in the car, driving, when it occurred and we were facing the wrong direction.

msh's avatar

It’s been cloudy here all pm. No view.
I guess it’ll be a long wait for the next in 18 years.
I wonder where I will be, or IF I will be…

filmfann's avatar

Still here. I guess I have to wait for the next time the world is supposed to end.

rojo's avatar

I was saved from having to participate in the end of times by clouds; if you don’t see it, it didn’t happen.

Stinley's avatar

My husband woke up spontaneously at 4.30am so we both got up and saw the moon after the full eclipse. It did look good and I wish we had set the alarm at the right time. I’m tired but still here today though. No sign of an end of the world!

rojo's avatar

What if it did end and we don’t know it yet because we are in Limbo??

Da Da Daaaaaah!

majorrich's avatar

No zombies yet….

Dutchess_III's avatar

We ended up in the ER with my 23 month old granddaughter yesterday afternoon. She had Nurse’s elbow’. So sad. My son had just picked her up like he always does, like we all have picked up kids at one time or another, by holding their out-stretched hands and swinging them up in your arms (don’t do that!) and dislocated her elbow. :( :( :(. So I’m in the ER with my son, who is consoling my grand daughter, who just looked very sad, but cried very little, brave girl, and I was consoling my son who was damn close to crying. In the end, it was a quick and easy fix by the doctor, who paused to talk with us for a moment. She said the ER had been nuts the last 2 days with this moon nonsense.

msh's avatar

The clouds departed!!!!! Wwwaaaayyyy after the eclipse. About 4 am, I stood looking at the moon. It was soooooo bright. Glad the neighbors were hanging upside down from their rafters and minded their own beeswax. Awww, man, I bet they would’ve gone to ashes in the bright moonlight! Poof! Yea!!!!!!
Next time…....

ibstubro's avatar

I was told that there was an interesting/odd moon this evening, too (the night following the blood moon), but I wasn’t able to see it from my house. Probably local.

Anyone else have a cool moon the day after the eclipse? Worth driving 15 miles to see?

rojo's avatar

We had a great moon this evening. Just wish the sky would have been more cooperative yesterday.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was in the ER. Sniff.

rojo's avatar

^^ Bad moon arising?

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