Social Question
What is one food or dish that is very simple, but tastes sublimely delicious?
I was perusing Pinterest for some Halloween potluck ideas and I just happened to come across some classic potato salad and coleslaw recipes. I was thinking how much I love both of those things. They’re not just ho-hum dishes, they’re fantastically fabulous! I don’t make either one of them very often, but I always find it delightful when they are offered as side dishes at restaurants.
Just the other day, my brother and I were having lunch at a diner and he specifically asked to have potato salad substituted for the French fries that came with his sandwich. A week earlier, I had dinner with my folks at a barbecue joint, and since I only eat the vegetarian side dishes, I had some coleslaw. It was so simple, yet so marvelous.
What simple foods or dishes do you think are fantastic culinary masterpieces? Is it something you make yourself? If so, do you make it often? Is it some type of comfort food your mom or grandma makes, or used to make, when you were a kid? Maybe it’s something that you get at your local mom and pop greasy spoon. Got any recipes?
I think it might be time for a late summer/early fall Fluther potluck.