Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

When people try to guilt you into re-posting stuff on Facebook, do you ever call them out on it?

Asked by Kardamom (33609points) September 27th, 2015

Lately, I’ve noticed that a few particular friends of mine on Facebook have been posting lots of stuff that says things like: I bet you don’t have the guts to re-post this. They’re usually religious ideas or things that have to do with conservative politics. Apparently these friends don’t know me very well, because I would never re-post any of these things, because I don’t agree with them.

I tend not to post political stuff, and since I am not religious, I don’t post anything related to religion either. Even if I did, I certainly wouldn’t threaten people or try to make them feel guilty if they didn’t re-post something that I had posted.

I can’t imagine posting one of my recipes or a picture of my cat and saying, “I bet you don’t have the guts to re-post this!” Maybe I should add that little phrase to every single thing that I post from here on out and see how that goes, ha ha ha.

“Check out this shirtless picture of Johnny Depp. I bet you don’t have the guts to re-post this!” or “I’m going to make these pumpkin brownies for Thanksgiving. I bet you don’t have the guts to re-post this!” or “Here we are camping at the lake, making s’mores over the campfire. I bet you don’t have the guts to re-post this!” or “My cat just coughed up this hair ball that looks like Donald Trump’s toupee. I bet you don’t have the guts to re-post this!”

So far, if I see something that’s particularly ridiculous, or extremely far removed from my personal belief system, I just delete it from my newsfeed, but I have not yet told any of the offenders to knock it off. Have you ever told any of your friends to stop asking you to re-post stuff? If so, how did that go over?

Believe it or not, the two main offenders are two of the sweetest women I know, but they are kind of naive when it comes to Facebook and tend to re-post anything that comes down the pike, without considering their audience. In real life, these two would never threaten a fly and they would never discuss religion in mixed company. I don’t want to offend them or hurt their feelings, or un-friend them. I just don’t know whether I should mention my feelings to them, or just keep rolling my eyes and deleting their shit philosophical ramblings.

And don’t even get me started on the people who ask me to say Amen to something religious.

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12 Answers

Stinley's avatar

I’m never sure whether Facebook gives you an insight into what people actually think or if it just illustrates how they don’t think at all…

I would say just ignore it. If you want to mention it to them, why not wait until you are speaking to them and see if it feels appropriate then? It is a modern day conundrum though.

josie's avatar

No. First, nobody I know does that.
Second, Facebook is sort of bullshit anyway. Beyond posting pictures of your birthday party or vacation, what else is there to do with it?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Anyone who wants to guilt me is not my friend. I ignore that sort of stuff.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

A FB friend posted two of these messages earlier this week. One was the stock, “I’m culling down the list of FB friends.” The other was about “September Suicide Month.” Both ended with a “Copy and paste this status to your profile page” message.

We worked together back in the early 90’s and haven’t really been in touch since then. I sent her a message and told her that I understood the need to cut back on FB friends and that, based upon our limited friendship, if she wanted to drop me, I wouldn’t be offended.

With the other post, I almost sent her another message. Two of my FB friends (one is a cousin) each lost a child to suicide. Both friends are still suffering from their loss, and I don’t think either would have appreciated reading the post. I decided not to send a response to the woman. It may have generated a realization that her post might cause more hurt than good.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My facebook account is locked up. I can’t even post. How would I call them out?

rojo's avatar

Yep, have noticed it. I don’t know what it has to do with guts but they are certainly right about the me not re-posting it part. No, I never call them out but I don’t understand why they do it.

janbb's avatar

I haven’t heard the guts part and mine are often things I agree with but I will never repost something that says, “Please repost this as your status..I know that only 3% of my friends will do this and I think I know who they are.”

I do not respond well to manipulation so I never repost those but I also do not call the person out on them.

canidmajor's avatar

It’s just Face Book. I love seeing what people are up to, and I’m a sucker for cute animal videos, but as far as I know, no one has unfriended me, talked trash about me, slashed my tires or kicked my dogs because I didn’t repost something.
This stuff is in front of our eyes for only seconds, I scroll past.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I just ignore such things. If posts really bug me, I hide them. If a person continued to bug me, I’d unfollow them.

jca's avatar

I don’t respond or feel guilty – I just keep on scrolling down.

keobooks's avatar

I don’t get political ones. I get stupid ones like. “Repost if you hate cancer” or “Repost if you love your kids” by not reposting, I’m proving that I love cancer and hate me kid.

jca's avatar

I also look at a lot of that stuff as possible viruses. I heard you should be very careful what you share. Sometimes you’ll see a post of a handicapped child or some other sick person and it will say something about sharing as an amen or “liking” if you agree. Those things can have viruses in them and therefore, never repost, share or “like.”

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