Do you know anyone who totally dislikes animals?
Asked by
keobooks (
September 28th, 2015
I’ve met people who didn’t like certain animals. Lots of dog people don’t like cats, for instance. Many people like animals, but don’t like the responsibility of pet ownership. I never met anyone who totally disliked animals until I met my husband’s parents. They shudder when they see her in the house and complain that we should euthanize “it” because she’s not convenient anymore and in her old age, she coughs up hair balls. They talk about pets as if they were vermin to be tolerated at best.
For some reason, it’s always totally creeped me out that they hate animals. How can you be fully human without any positive feelings towards any creatures at all?
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45 Answers
My Ex pretty much didn’t like animals.
I’ve always been around animals, I can’t imagine not having them around. But one day in my old office the son’s dog went running up to someone and she freaked. This was the most gentlest golden ever, and she totally went off her rocker about it.
I think those who do illegal animal trade and those who destroy forests don’t have a taste for animals.
@Mimishu1995 I don’t know, I love the taste of squirrel and rabbit. ~
Love is strange. I confess that I love little animals. And you know why? It’s because they’re delicious!
I have a friend who is severely allergic to cats and dogs. He can’t visit houses where people have pets because he invariably ends up in the hospital. To him, animals are in the way of him being able to have a normal social life and visit family. I can understand this.
I have always been a “dog” person, and have been highly nervous around people who are indifferent to or don’t like dogs. I think it used to be some kind of warning to me that the person lacked some empathy or kindness or something. But then, I realized that I feel the same thing about cats. I just don’t get them at all. If I were to feel the same about dogs as well, well…then I suppose I would be one of these scary anti-animal people. But as luck would have it, I find dogs to be amazing.
What does “totally dislike” mean?
I tolerate dogs, can’t stand cats. I have no feelings for a host of other animals. Meaning, if you like horses, fine, but I don’t have any affinity for them.
I’m not into mosquitos or fire ants.
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I think there are people who consider animals to be a commodity but I don’t know any. I’ve had friends who were not especially loving or nurturing to their pets. I feel why own pets if you’re not going to try to make their lives as comfortable as possible.
My ex hates animals. When he was travelling the world his motto was “leave no animal uneaten” so he has eaten almost every type of meat imaginable including shark fin soup. He NEVER told me this when we were dating. He knew it would have been a deal breaker. He would never get a pet and he always said he was allergic. I stopped believing that and to test it I petted a bunch of sled dogs with my mittens and scarf. When I got home I touched his face with the mittens and packed my scarf in his suitcase. He never had a reaction or any idea I had been in contact with the dogs. He always made a fuss when he knew I had been around dogs or horses. He even asked me to not take my son to my cousins farm because of his “allergies”. Crocks of shit.
My ex wasn’t an animal person either, he liked cats but that was about it. Then there was me, animal nut of the planet, have had everything under the sun. Cats, dogs, geese, chickens, horses, donkeys, parrots, fish, assorted small rodents, love rats, worked as wild life rehabber for rodents and waterfowl over the years. Out of all animals dogs are my least favorite with cats, geese and horses topping the list for me.
I understand not everyone wants to keep animals and the work and expense involved, I get it as the older I get the less work I want anymore as well, but….to simply dislike animals for no other reason than you have some sort of warped ideals about them being dirty, mean, stupid, vermin etc. is to ignorant and uninformed.
I am ranch sitting this month for 14 horses, 4 dogs and a disabled chicken. lol
We also have the goose that laid the golden egg here right now, she has racked up almost 3k in vet bills for several health conditions and is about to go undergo a CAT scan, er goose scan. haha
People that truly hate animals are a breed I don’t understand at all.
I have, to my knowledge, never encountered anyone with a dislike for ALL animals.
I know someone who has a general dislike for all animals and a particular dislike for domestic animals. And this is not someone I’d call a sociopath—this is a really nice, fun person. It’s very odd to me, as I can’t imagine life without my furry friends.
No-one who admits to it.
I do know many people who don’t like dogs. Though I love dogs, I’m perfectly okay with that. I figure they haven’t had the opportunity to gather positive experiences, some may have been traumatized by particularly unruly dogs. There also seems to be a genetic component.
I do have a problem with people who are afraid of dogs, simply because their lives are so very much inconvenienced. There are lots of dogs around here, I can’t imagine having to cross the street for every single one.
I am especially saddened by the panicking children I encounter at times. I keep my distance, because I’ve seen many of them run into the street rather than passing my dog.
One of the kids I babysit is scared of my dog, and we’re starting some non-official behavioral therapy next week, hopefully helping her to feel more relaxed. I’m excited to see how that turns out.
I like animals. A lot. I don’t like having pets.
Maybe I should adjust my answer after reading it on the computer instead of my phone on the bus. My ex LOVED animals, on his dinner plate.
I’ve had dogs over the years and my main issues with dogs are that they are just super high maintenance and very needy.
Seriously, almost everything else is easier compared to keeping a dog. Cats are self sufficient and while they are loving and affectionate they are not always in your face demanding attention and they can be left alone for several days with provisions, something you can’t do with a dog. The dogs I am house sitting for in a couple weeks are 2 Border Collies, a Lab mix and the worlds most neurotic Chihuahua.
She has to be hand fed her kibble, bit by bit. I couldn’t handle having a dog like that on an every day basis. The Border Collies are sweet, well trained and smart as a whip, super easy, but in general, dogs are more work than just about every other animal out there in terms of daily maintenance and emotional neediness.
I can’t deal with most small dogs. My son’s friend has a black chihuahua thingie and it just barks at me all the time. Another friend had his golden lab over and it was the most gentlemanly dog I’ve ever met.
I haven’t known anyone who didn’t like animals in general. I’ve known plenty of people who don’t like dogs, usually due to a bad experience.
Some people don’t like cats, because they are allergic to them.
I don’t like most small dogs because they’re annoying and have no dignity.
I know a lot of people who are scared of bugs, all bugs, any kind of bugs.
But I have never heard any one say, “I don’t like animals.”
As for your in laws…they sound like victims of germaphobia.
I cough up the occasional hairball, but no one has held that against me.
I say I am not a “dog person” but I absolutely don’t mean I don’t like animals. To not like animals seems inhumane. It’s weird to me.
Are you only talking about pets only? I’m house hunting now, and I’m pretty annoyed when a house smells like dog, because sometimes that smells like mildew to me and I can’t tell whether I should be worried about that house or not? I don’t want dogs jumping on me or rubbing on me, but I find them cute when they are cute, and I think it’s great how they are protective and I completely believe they love their owners (good owners) and other animals they live with. Not to mention their abilities to find cancers, survivors in disasters, predict seizures, it’s just wonderful and fascinating. I still don’t want to pet your dog.
I have been known to say things like, “she is just waiting for the dog to die.” Sounds awful, but most people know what that means. It’s not wishing the dog will die, but as the dog ages, some people are waiting for their freedom to be petless. Other people replace their pet as soon as one dies and can’t imagine life without a per. Both people love their pets, you can’t always go by what people say off the cuff.
I do like cats. I love watching the deer, wild turkey, cranes, and many many other animals that are in my yard all of the time. I can’t imagine there are people who don’t like animals point blank. It’s something I never thought of, and I don’t think I know anyone like that.
As pets, I love dogs and I love cats. I can’t have a dog because we’re not home for about 10 hours per day and it wouldn’t be fair to the dog. I am with @JLeslie in that I don’t prefer dogs rub their slobbery noses on my clothes or my hands, and I don’t prefer dogs to jump on my clean clothes with their dirty paws. One day when I retire I’ll probably have a dog or two, although it will be a lifestyle adjustment. With cats, I can go away a day or two and just leave out food, and for longer trips, have a neighbor or friend come in once a day or once every two days and it works.
Nope, and that’s because I wouldn’t. I completely understand when people don’t want pets, either because they’re allergic, or because their lives are too busy, etc., but I won’t know people who truly dislike animals. It’s weird and it creeps me out.
This might describe the SO. Shortly after we met and realized that our friendship was growing into something more, we talked about pets. One of the deal-breakers for him was insistence on owning a pet. I, too, initially thought something was wrong with him. The truth eventually came out.
* As a child, the family owned a bird. The SO loved that bird so much that he still has one of its feathers tucked away.
* When he had a paper route, he was attacked and bitten by a dog. To this day, he still has a fear of them.
* Cleanliness is very important. The thought of having a critter in the house shedding and slobbering away is out of the question.
* He is fanatical about checking our shoes after a stroll outside to ensure we haven’t stepped in anything “unsavory” which can easily happen due to the number of people who don’t clean up after their dogs. “Watch where you are walking!” is such a common phrase that I still haven’t seen much of his hometown above pavement level after seven years.
* His work schedule is grueling. It wouldn’t be fair to the pet. We also travel a couple of times a year for a week at a time, which also wouldn’t be fair for the pet.
In his defense, he has a soft spot in his heart when it comes to rescuing bugs inside the house and taking them outside. He also has no interest in going to a zoo because he feels that, in general, it is inhumane for wild animals.
I’m willing to guess that all of us know at least one person who dislikes animals. They’ve just learned to keep their mouths shut about it because the animal lovers treat them as if there is something terribly wrong with them. It’s sort of like being an atheist in the Bible Belt.
A person, or people who don’t like any animals and speak so disparagingly about those who don’t act the way they demand…there is something incredibly wrong with them mentally. Big time.
Were you folks thinking about children? What if something wasn’t perfect: wrong eye color, fussy before bed, squeals or bites… Would they tolerate ‘it’ and wait for the next kid who will behave appropriately?
Do not EVER leave a pet nor a child in their care!
Your husband grew up with this? Wow.
Tell them to make plans for their retirement living, and end of life choices, living will, POA’s etc.- Now! They will be really nasty and intolerant with each other then. Yikes! You don’t want to have to wade in those waters.
Good luck. Good luck. Good luck. :\
@Pied_Pfeffer But that doesn’t actually sound like your SO dislikes animals at all – especially with the bird story. It just sounds like, for numerous reasons, he’d rather not have them in his life. Which, to me, is different than actually disliking animals.
As long as there is a safe distance between animals and him, he seems okay with them @Dutchess_III. He doesn’t experience the joy that I do in watching the sheep frolic about in the field across the street nor the thrill when neighbors or police go trotting by on horses on the road in front of our house.
I’ve learned to understand his perspective, accept and respect it. He understands that I like most animals. His only request is that I wash my hands after petting one and would prefer that I not tell him about it. :)
Oh, bless your heart @Pied_Pfeffer! The things we learn to understand (but never really do) but then accept and respect are with out end.
@DrasticDreamer Agreed. It’s just that his adamant stance about not having a pet from the get-go caught me off guard. To an outsider, they are more likely to think that something is wrong with him.
Almost every member of my family owns a dog or cat, and they want to show it off when the SO and we web-chat in their presence. My brother takes the cake. He explained that he would be late to a family reunion because he planned to have his beloved dog baptized first.
Thanks @Dutchess_III. It took awhile to overcome the SO’s stance, but I now get it. It seems like a combination of logical and illogical, but it is something I can easily live with. His good qualities far outweigh this.
I know. You learn to accept. “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Other thing are still an ongoing struggle…..But we’re learning. Geez. You’d think I’ve been married 33 years (like I would be if I stayed married to my first husband) rather than 13!
@msh, are the responses directed at me? If so, I have the answer.
Oh, I was reading the original questions answers. What would you be meaning, Sweetie? A problem?
You know, keobooks, still thinking on your Q. You chose their kid to marry. So they did well in the making. He was smart to look around at the world. He picked what he wanted in his life: you. Your compassion about your cat shows. While yeah, creepy and kinda odd, they are secondary. You keep doing what you do, love the cat, love the guy, and any pets or kid comments they may make later….. Just smile. Maybe throw in a “That’s nice.” once in awhile.
Seriously- if they become ill, lookout! They may want to put the cat and the other spouse down at the same time!
Save the cat…...
@msh I don’t think I understand your response. Children are completely different than dogs. Sure, there are some similarities in responsibility and other things we could name, but it simply is not the same and should not be compared in my opinion.
No, they aren’t. Yet both can be messy. IMO parent-in-laws don’t like something messy, or not ‘perfect’.
Like Duthchess said- germaphobic, perhaps?
Arachnophobias? Wait, they might want to kill the spiders – along with the cat! No, no…
Be careful, some people’s pets are their kids- just as important as human kids to them.
Step back, deep breath.
No harm no foul.
Just saying to her, keep strong and positive around people that have…well, something really wrong about caring – if it’s messy, or looking old, animals in general, etc. She sounds terrific about older cat treatment.
Thank you for asking for clarification instead of just an attack due to a mix up of messages.
I really do appreciate it, JLeslie! :)
@msh I’m a little “germaphobic” in that I don’t want to get sick. I’m not worried about every day germs. If you’re sick stay away from me. If your kid has the sniffles, please keep that kid away too. But, if I had children or am responsible for someone else’s children, and they are sick; I’m going to cuddle with them, take care of them, and not worry about getting sick. As your children get older they can take medicine themselves (barring extreme situations God forbid) the dog you will always have to give him his pill.
Dogs bring the outside in your house with their naked paws, people can remove their shoes when they come in the house. That’s not something I personally obsess about, but it’s a fact that the floors will be more germy if the outside is brought in.
Dog stink is gross to me. I don’t want my clothes, especially my dry cleaned clothes, smelling like dog. It does smell germy to me besides being unpleasant. I don’t want my pantyhose ruined by the nails of a dog. These are not things I worry about at all regarding kids. Not all dogs jump on people, and some owners keep their dogs very clean, but I can tell you I generally don’t like to stay with friends and relatives who have dogs, but I’m thrilled to spend time with their children.
I’m also a little afraid of dogs. Not all dogs, but I know enough people who have been bitten it makes me wary.
If I had a dog I’m positive I would love my dog, worry about my dog, and that’s exactly why I don’t want a dog.
It’s really annoying that so many dog people are so judgmental of people who don’t want pets or don’t want to pet their dog.
People who don’t like pets are not the same as people who
don’t like, or don’t care about, an animal’s well being. I love the idea of a farm, but not a dog in my house. My husband wants a dog, and I keep saying no.
No @msh. Not the same. You can keep a kid clean, and teach a kid to keep himself clean, but dogs and cats can be free for all. Vomiting up the literal shit they just ate on the back yard, on to your carpet.
A cat dragging a dead mouse or snake in the house.
Also, we have far more invested in our children than we do our pets though some would violently disagree, I know.
Oh please! Seriously?
The plague is here in the USA!
Aliens are all around us!
There is solid proof that Bubble Yum put spider eggs in their gum in the 1970’s!!!
Doomed, we are!!!!!!
Oh woe, oh the woes!!!!!
The end is nearrrrrrrr!!!!!
:| Straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel, aren’t we?
Relaaaaxxxx. This has little to do with the original thread.
The world is moving on.
Pets, kids, snakes and spider eggs are too.
I’m not taking any forays out into your discussions with other folks here earlier.
Your responces are not my concern towards others.
I apologize if you and Pied_Pfiffer are feeling upset, I wasn’t a part of your exchange. Not my concern. I’m not here for where the discussion went between you folks.
Wait, was that earlier ‘WTF?’ you sent meant for my opinions?
Hhhmmm, gosh, now maybe we should figure out what were the original intentions.
Nah, no big deal.
I enjoy both of your company on Fluther.
Relax. Step back.
Have a good evening.
@msh Take a breath there friend, you have about 6 non-paragraphs going on there. lol
You’re right!
In with good air- out with the ‘bad’.. :D
I have quite mixed feeling about animals. I like dogs and cats but not other pets like fish or hamsters. I don’t like zoos or nature documentaries but I do like spotting and watching animals like foxes or squirrels, or even the sheep and cows in the fields. I think I like them in their natural habitats. I’m quite easily repulsed by small creepy crawlies
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