General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can you purchase lots of half penny stocks to practice being on a board of governers?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) September 28th, 2015

For fun. What is the cheapest way to purchase enough stock to get put on a board of governers?

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2 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

If one is not hired in a senior management position to be part of the Board, something that is very rare, one must buy a controlling interest in the Company to elect oneself. In other words, one must own or control 50% + 1 share of the total float.

That much stock is generally not available to be bought on the open market. And in the US, and I imagine also in Canada, one must register with the Securities Regulators to buy that big a piece.

In the US, one must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) if one buys 5% of the stock of a company, and must file regularly with the SEC, and cannot sell in the open market without disclosing it.

Being on a Board is not a matter of “fun.” It involves people’s livelihoods, and that is not something to be toyed with.

jca's avatar

Being on any Board involves more than just owning stock. It involves decision making, advocacy, etc. and people usually attain that position either through connections or through their reputations from their careers, or both.

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