Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Do you ever feel like your true personality is bubbling beneath the surface?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) October 1st, 2015

I just feel like my life people have always been telling me to stop being so happy. But I like smiling and joking around with people.

I feel like I’m shutdown by society, man. I’m not mean or rude, just pure bliss and care (and athleticism), but when I’m like that, people won’t make eye contact when I smile at them and make eye contact and ask how they are.

I feel like I’m supposed to be a tough guy for no reason at all so people will think I’m cool or something.

There have been times when I’ve been a little too drunk and thought I was a douchebag, but people told me I was great to be around and a good time! Wtf?

Should I just start doing what I feel like and disregard the few strange stares? I feel like a sheep with a friendly lion welling at the surface!

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9 Answers

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DrasticDreamer's avatar

If you want to be happy all the time, and you are happy all the time, then definitely don’t hide it or change it to… make other people happy. Lol

Just be yourself and the right kind of people (those who value you for who you are) will enter your life and the rest will fall behind.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

No (kill all humans), not at all. With me (burn everything) what you see is what you get (fire is the cleanser). I have no (eat the heart to gain your enemy’s courage) repressed urges.

zenvelo's avatar

one lesson I have learned over the years is to be myself as best I can.

I had a girlfriend for a about 7 years, and I used to tell her she made me want to be best person I could be.

But we split a few years ago as she moved for work. I met someone else and realized she made me want to the best me I could be.

We are all weird in our own special way; the way to some chance of joy and harmony within oneself, and therefore in this world, is to embrace your own weird and fully live yourself.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Bubble on. People ordinarily primed to do you harm will take one look, decide you’re crazy and cross the street.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

And thank goodness for people like you! I’m usually a happy, positive person and I’ll readily smile at people. Sometimes people look back as if there’s something wrong with me. Don’t suppress your personality. My oldest daughter is the same and I know her sister teases about her positive nature sometimes. I think if other people can’t handle your positive attitude and love of life, that’s their problem.

Stinley's avatar

I love it when people are happy and smiley and jokey. There is really good evidence that happy people live healthier lives and are less subject to depression. So be yourself and enjoy the bounties that your personality brings. I always enjoy reading what you have to say and think your natural happiness shines out in your writing

Buttonstc's avatar

This world has far too many guys like who live up to the “thug” stereotype.

That’s not you. You have a positive outlook on life and enjoy cheering people up and that’s nothing you should ever allow people to talk you out of it.

They’re just trying to drag you down to their level. Just continue trying to bring them up to yours and the ones who criticize you for it are not people you’d want in your life anyhow. Leave them to their own pettiness and misery.

Be yourself and refuse to compromise that for anyone.

Pachy's avatar

No—and not much above the surface, either. Frankly, I’m no longer sure what my “true personality” is.

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