What are some things that you are perfectly cool with, that other people freak out about?
I think I used to freak out when wasps come around, but not any more. The reason is that many, many moons ago my first husband, my little daughter and I went on a canoe trip down Crystal river. The first night we decided to camp on a bluff. Well, after we beached the boat and climbed up the hill, you had to pass a bush that was just ALIVE with wasps. I mean, we had to pass within 5 feet of it. Clouds of wasps every where, buzzing and buzzing.
The first time I walked past it freaked me out a little. After the 3rd time, with absolutely no incident, I didn’t even think about it any more.
Since then I don’t even flinch when a wasp or a bee comes around. In fact, I get a little angry with people who do freak out (and it seems that most people do) and start jumping around like they’re on hot coals, trying to swat it. That just pisses them off and they will sting if they land on a person after that.
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50 Answers
Do you really think anything is going to freak me out at this point?
Snakes, spiders, bees, blood and baby poop.
I’m not the type of person to complain at restaurants. If my food is late, or not exactly the way I ordered it, I’d just eat it. I don’t even get a little mad, it’s just food. I can always use my phone if I’m waiting for food while having drinks, and I only go to restaurants to eat and leave anyway, I don’t go for some “experience”.
Things that used to freak me out but no longer do:
The idea of a gay child (There was a time I would have been devastated but I have evolved. I don’t have a gay child but it wouldn’t bother me now. )
People I love smoking pot
Spiders (I still hate them but have the courage to kill them)
Experementing with paint color. It used to seem permanent, or at least expensive to change but now it doesn’t freak me out.
Cutting holes in drywall. It helps being married to someone who can easily fix it.
I’m cool with everything I even like the rattlesnakes around here, especially the newborn little vipers that are being born right now, only a few inches long, have no rattles yet and coiled up are the size of a quarter or maybe a half dollar. Of course I do not pick them up. haha
I just picked up and relocated a fat little tree frog that was under one of the wine barrels here on the patio when we were moving things around this morning for a fall cleaning.
I pick up horse and goose poo with my bare hands and fling it, if necessary, obviously not an entire pile of horse shit but the random piece they scatter in their stall or that is on the concrete in the breezeway of the barn.
Mice, rats,and other rodents I find adorable, I have often saved them from the cats over the years and I especially adore gophers. Those giant teeth, beady eyes and big clawed feet are just too cute. haha
I also love Moles. Even cuter than gophers
What really freaks me out are forest fires here and the idea I could be randomly shot in the movie theater or grocery store or post office or anywhere these days.
After getting rabies in your sleep, I guess not @Adirondackwannabe!
Same here, @Blackberry. Well, if it’s undercooked and cold I might say something. One time we got some crab stuffed mushrooms at Joe’s Crab Shack. They were cold, the mushrooms weren’t cooked and the cheese wasn’t even melted. I asked them to heat them up. They said they’d just make a new dish. I said they didn’t need to, they could throw those ones back in the oven for a bit.
Oh…possums in my house. I like them. I’d let them be except they aren’t house trained.
No, I made peace with the bats. It bothered me right after, but I’m okay with them now. They’re just wildlife you have to learn to live with.
Glad you’re still here to live with them. ;) ♥
I am cool with just about anything except rats. Rats freak me out. Even disposing of them after trapping gave me the heebie jeebies.
God, cats, and praying mantises, there was something else but it escapes me.
I freak out over just about everything. Not dogs and cats.
Praying mantises?! LOL! Now there’s a conundrum!
Trains freak me out. Specifically, train tracks.
I love preying mantises, they are all over here right now. The other day one was on the front deck and I spied it as i walked by and it reared up and flared its wings, ooooh, big and scary! lol
I picked it up and put it in one of the potted plants so I wouldn’t risk squishing it in my travels.
I love preying mantises. I kept one in a terrarium one year. I’d throw insects in there and watch him munch them down.
Insects, spiders, and spilled milk drinks. My dad pretty much exploded every time a cup got knocked over. Very annoying. I decided to accept these “crises” calmly, and, what do you know, it can be done.
Spiders, the very large type. Now I just grab em and throw them outside. I didn’t know @Adirondackwannabe got rabies!! Is that real? How did ad get well?? I love praying mantises. And stick bugs.
Well, he was bitten by a bat while he was sleeping so he took necessary precautions. He came here first to ask about it, though. Anybody have that link saved? It was a miserable 2 weeks for him, too. :(
You guys should see the happy chicken action over here right now. Beautiful fall day, sunny, breezy, about 75 degrees and I just let the hens in the garden to party down on the gazillions of falling little cherry tomatoes that we’ve pretty much quit collecting. They are in hen heaven right now. One has already gorged and is passed out in the sun with her wing in the air and her legs sticking out.
Oh no ” Stoopy” is dead. haha
It your chicken really dead?
@Dutchess_III No, she just looked dead laying in the sun passed out. haha
Ok. I’ll start over. PICTURE!!!
The only thing that freaks me out are leeches. I had a few bad experiences in Laos with leeches. But I love insects, snakes….lots of stuff that I get weird looks for.
Walking sticks are so cool. They freaked me out as a kid, but I got over it.
There was a baby praying mantis on the door screen just this week. This late in the year I considered bringing him in, but didn’t. If he’d eat spiders, he could live the winter in the basement.
Spiders (I just pick them up with my hands now to put them outside), snakes, rats, mice, burping and farting in public (I get being polite, but sometimes everyone just has it sneak up on them – so who cares if it happens?), pads and tampons being visible when there’s any kind of company (strangers or not – don’t care, it’s normal and I shouldn’t have to hide them). Lots of things.
I’m not afraid of bees, wasps, snakes, spiders, bats, creepy crawlers or nocturnal flying things of any kind. Bears and alligators scare me, bears and alligators will fuck you up.
I am a Christian, and my language really offends a lot of people. Debra Morgan on Dexter has a similar vocabulary.
Believe it or not, I’m cool with both liberals and conservatives if they’re rational.
Points I agree.
Points I disagree.
I recently found out that I seem to be the only person to be cool with homosexual people. Well I’m talking about people in my place. They all seem to see homosexuality as some kind of disablility or mental unstability. I saw some allegedly homosexual people and the people around me all shook their head. They said it was a pity that those people weren’t “normal”, we needed to stay away, they looked pathetic like a plague… things like that.
@syz I forgot about leeches and ever since I had one on me as a kid and add in the movie African Queen…as much as I LOVE to fish and know how great leeches are for catching Walleye…a basket of Krugerrands could not bring me to bait my hook with a leech!
Some people, when they have a newborn (the word “newborn,” you find when you have a baby, people will use to refer to any baby under about six months old), will insist that you wash your hands before you can touch. “Don’t touch the baby till you wash your hands!!” When my daughter was a baby, I wasn’t squeamish about people touching her or holding her without washing their hands. I believe that being exposed is what helps the baby’s immune system get tough. My daughter was almost never sick.
^^^ Same here. We have developed this fixation on “germs” in our society. It’s almost paralyzing at times.
@jca Yes, babies develop immunity to bacteria in their environments. I also let my 2 cats sleep near my daughter and hate people that get rid of their pets once they have a baby.
^ No, insects bite you in the arse when they have the chance.
^^^Only when you’re naked, rolling around in the woods.
Hey what’s that Chinese proverb thig? A man learns to be gentle when a mosquito lands on his testicles or something.
Man who wait for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very, long time, and….testicles will be bitten by mosquito…well, that’s my version. lol
Foolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.
Man who go through turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok.
Man who walk around with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.
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