What was the weirdest thing one of your (current or former) co-workers ever did or said?
Asked by
Kardamom (
October 3rd, 2015
Was the behavior or conversation directed at you? Was it directed at another co-worker(s) or your boss? Did you get involved? If so, how? Did you contact your Human Resources department? If so, how was the situation handled/resolved?
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8 Answers
I once had to explain to one of my co-workers how having a first cousin who is also your biological half-sister is not normal.
This wasn’t really one of those things HR needed to deal with, nor did it cause any trouble.
I’m wondering if you don’t need to find another word as the body of the question and the tags are almost totally different from the headline. Aside from both the body and headline containing the word “coworkers”, it’s a total non sequitur.
For people who work in the hotel business, weird and wacky scenarios are a dime a dozen. Most of them come from guests, but there are also a handful from employees, including those that work in the corporate office.
The wackiest occurred at a staff meeting. The dept. head, a VP at the time, stood up in the middle of the meeting and hoisted the hem of her peasant skirt up over her head. Then she let it go and and sat back down. No one knew why. After an uncomfortable pause, the meeting continued.
The weirdest was walking into work at a hotel one day to find out from the general manager that the asst. manager and the front office manager were let go and that he needed me to help cover until replacements were found. He wouldn’t explain what happened. This was odd, as we were all fairly close personally.
The truth eventually came out. The asst. (a male engaged to a female) and the FOM (a male married to a female) were accidentally caught by the lobby attendant in the middle of a sex act in one of the ground floor suites.
“You’re going to hell because you’re a Jew.”
He wasn’t a co-worker. He was the owner of the ad agency I had just started working for.
I quit that afternoon.
The workstations where we entered our work were shared. One of my co-workers one day announced that she didn’t wear underwear. Several of my colleagues got themselves cans of Lysol.
I used to work with this woman who, for a brief time, lifted her skirt in the back every time she sat on the chair. Someone asked her why she was doing that and she said “because I have my period.” OK, so you’d rather bleed on the seat?
Let us call them Judy and Earl.
Earl got liquored up and lost his keys, he came through an unlocked window at his house.
Judy put a .38 bullet into his arm.
She was retired Air Force police and there was some question about him being out drinking with his girlfriend.
I had a senior position at a CPA firm. There was a new employee who, immediately after she’d been hired, started behaving very oddly and inappropriately.
When she was maybe a week into her job, she and I were in a planning/management meeting. She sat across the table from me. Every time I said anything, this woman would grin from ear-to-ear, giggle uncontrollably, and say, “You’re adorable! You’re just adorable!!” I wasn’t saying anything witty or funny; I was discussing some mundane business matters.
The first time she did this, I stared at her for a few seconds, with a look of combined surprise and annoyance, and said nothing. After that, I completely ignored her. When she failed to get any reactions from me, she started grabbing the arm of the guy next to her, shaking him, and asking, “Isn’t she adorable?”
That was typical of her behavior at work; she soon offended everyone. She was also an idiot who couldn’t do her job. She was fired shortly after; I’ve never been so glad to watch a colleague get the boot.
A few years before this job and incident ^^^^, I worked for an organization with an extremely crass, vulgar employee. There was a long history of her ill-mannered behavior, but nothing can top this incident:
I was in a meeting with this person, another colleague, and our male boss. We weren’t sitting at a conference table, just in chairs around the boss’s office. Crass-Woman suddenly announced, “I think my pantyhose just ripped.” Then, she said, “Crotch-check!” and proceeded to spread her legs, lift her skirt, and look at her private parts. The rest of us, of course, got the same view. The male boss just gaped in stunned amazement.
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