Social Question
Who would you pick to star in a movie titled: Fluther Troll?
If you were making a movie called Fluther Troll, which actor or actress would you choose to play the main character?
Who would play you?
What would be the basic premise of the movie, and can you provide some lines of dialogue?
Here’s the scene: the camera pans over an area filled with people (Jellies) sitting around a pool, helping themselves to a potluck meal. A party is taking place. Some people are dancing, some engineer-type Jellies are huddled around a watchamacallit trying to figure out how to fix it, and a few Jellies are huddled, individually, in the corners, not wanting to interact with any of the happier people. You know, kind of like here. Everybody’s having a good time.
Jody Foster (that’s me) is sitting with a group of food enthusiast Jellies discussing the merits of homemade sauerkraut and heirloom tomatoes, when all of a sudden there is the sound of loud banging on the front door of the house (which happens to be a mid-century style ranch house like This).
The Jody Foster character gets a concerned look on her face and gets up, walks through the house, and opens the front door to see This Woman.
The woman is ranting about a married man who is standing too close at hand, while at the same time, is trying to avoid her and not give her the credit she deserves. She claims that the man’s pregnant wife is very jealous of their friendship, but the man acts like he is very friendly towards her, yet tends to hide from her whenever she tries to clean up water from his leaky floor, or if she dares to point out the Mornay sauce lingering in his Van Dyke.
The scene changes, it gets dark, the lighting turns somewhat greenish and eerie, and glowing. You see the words, It was a dark and stamy night appear on the screen. The Jody Foster character screams. She knows the figure in front of her is not a woman at all, but actually a_Troooooooooooolllllll_. (insert sound effects: reet, reet, reet, reet).
To be continued…