Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is having a BFF a solely female thing?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) October 5th, 2015

I always hear women talking about BFFs, but always in the context of women.

Do men have BFFs? (I certainly don’t consider my male friends BFFs even though we have known each other since junior high).

Why is this?

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9 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I always think of it as a girl (not woman) thing. The whole thing is kind of silly; if one is a Best Friend Forever, why do people ever have to declare a “new” BFF?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes, plenty of men have close, lifelong friends, but they don’t refer to them as BFFs.

rojo's avatar

“Beer Friend Forever”?

stanleybmanly's avatar

All of those cutesy contractions and symbols are heavily regarded as the product and staples of pre pubescent teenage girls, and therefore decidedly “unmanly”.

Coloma's avatar

I think so.

I recently had someone tell my I was there BFF. Kinda freaked me out. I like this women but I do not consider her my BFF.
I enjoy my friends but I do not consider anyone, except myself, to be my BFF. haha
I have had this problem in the past, people that are more attached to me and afford me a BFF status when really, I do not feel the same.

I am my own best friend, and find the whole BFF thing to be pressuring if you do not feel mutual reciprocity.
I admit, inspite of being married for years, ( divorced for a long time now ) that I am rather a commitment phobe, not really a phobia, I just don’t like to feel fenced in or trapped by a relationship or job, I want to be free.
I do have one very good friend that I cherish but I do not like the BFF thing at all.

Jaxk's avatar

Men have ‘Drinking Buddies’. I’m not sure it’s the same.

msh's avatar

ragingloli- you’ve got it. Bromance.
IMO- women have had to shift names for friendships a great deal down through time.
– closest confidants- no one is going to get stretched on the rack for state secrets in the dungeon!
– companions- not lapdogs.
– girlfriends- well the definition of that has changed.
– best friend- yeah, I’ve got a couple. Neither are the bestest, or the bestest of the best.
– bff- – omg!! Wat er u saing?
I’m kinda afraid of what is next…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Nope, men have it too. Bromance. @ragingloli got it.

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