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talljasperman's avatar

Is O.J. Simpson still hunting for the real killers?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 6th, 2015

Tounge in cheek.

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9 Answers

kritiper's avatar

I seriously doubt it! We would have heard about his search from time to time if he was.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Isn’t he still in jail for some other crime right now?

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

He’s in jail eating pork and beans. The only thing he’s hunting for now is a time machine.

josie's avatar

Possibly, but only assuming that they, like Simpson, are prisoners in the state of Nevada.

ibstubro's avatar

Hell no.
His current sentence isn’t life or death.

I bet he’s a king in prison, unless officials felt he had to be isolated to prevent a trophy kill.

Buttonstc's avatar

Really difficult to be “hunting” for the “real” killer while sitting in a jail cell. And he won’t be getting out anytime soon either.

rojo's avatar

Every time he looks in the mirror.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Let’s say that he gets out of prison in 2017 or so. He’ll be 70+ years old at that time. He will have wasted more than 20 years with the murders and subsequent fraud convictions.

I wonder how (or even if) he can adjust to the real world again.

msh's avatar

Perhaps not, but I hope a whole lot of real killers make his prison stay a whole lot more ‘memorable’ for him. And while they’re at it, put the same kinda bruises and marks on him that he was so generous in giving. The Jerk.

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