Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

How well would a "school shooting chocolate calendar" sell?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) October 10th, 2015

You know the common christmas calendars for decembers that have 24 doors and have a small piece of chocolate behind each?
You could have a school massacre themed calendar for the whole year with, let us say, 5 doors a month, and each time you hear or read about another hero having his own little schoolyard purge, you would open one of the doors for the month, and get a bit of chocolate.
That way, you could turn the annual bloodfest into something positive! Yeah sure, some more kids died, but at least you got your chocolate!
Those would also make awesome gifts for any NRA member or gun owner you know.
There could even be special promotions, like 2 for the price of 1.
Titled: “Double Kill”

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10 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that the best marketing technique would be to buy the mailing list of the NRA, and then send out flyers to each person on that list.

Some people would by dying for a gift like this.

Berserker's avatar

Lol you’re just being a troll, you know that would never sell. Gods know there are more than enough public massacres to fill a calendar though.

ragingloli's avatar

I think that ironic liberals would totally buy them in order to gift them to their nra and gun owning friends, family, or neighbours.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah you know what, they just might. But if that was on the market, there would be an uproar about it. Of course, then they’d probably sell more…

_Seek_'s avatar

We had two just yesterday, and it’s gone down to people just saying “Meh, lots of people who aren’t students get murdered, too.”

By the time you get the calendars printed they won’t even mention school shootings on the news anymore.

People have stopped caring.

msh's avatar

Perhaps an extra slot or two for situations were Ben Carson could’ve done a better job than those being murdered…

LuckyGuy's avatar

Milk chocolate or Dark?

ragingloli's avatar

milk chocolate.
or maybe white chocolate to appeal to southerners.

msh's avatar

I don’t belive stupid has a flavor.
There isn’t nearly enough chocolate in the world to cover stupid.
Where is Willy Wonka when you need him?

DominicY's avatar

I like this idea and am interested in subscribing to your newsletter.

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