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What day is your day of rest?

Asked by JLeslie (65938points) October 10th, 2015 from iPhone

I was relaxing today, and realized it was the first time in a really long time, that I just sat with my feet up, really comfortable, and felt a moment of bliss from not doing much of anything. I used to have that feeling much more often.

Today is Saturday, and that is the Jewish Sabbath, and I thought to myself that Saturday is a much more natural rest day to me than Sunday when working M-F. Sometimes I think about how some of the traditions of Judaism might work well for me if I took it more seriously. That’s really just a side note though, the Q isn’t really about religion.

When I worked retail my relax day varied all over the place, because my schedule varied so much. What was pretty consistent was if I worked 4+ days in a row, my first day off was a rest catch up day. It’s why I never liked when my days off were together.

Do you have a regular day that you really rest, or a day you put aside for fun every week? What day is it?

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